Reviews From Trotting Krips | ||
TROTTING KRIP REVIEWS Robb Bryan Ben Reader Submitted Reviews RFTK FEATURES
Latest News August 9th , 2007 - Ben July 12th , 2007 - Robb May 8th , 2007 - Robb April 23rd, 2007 - Robb March 3rd , 2007 - Robb January 21st, 2007 - Robb January 2nd, 2007 - Robb
"Blather is such a trotting krip!!!" -- Steve Meretzky, Planetfall Welcome to our site! Here you may find interactive fiction (also known as text adventures) game reviews written by the three depraved fellows that run this site, as well as submitted reviews sent in by readers infinitely more relaxed. If you haven't a clue as to what this "interactive fiction" business is, feel free to check out the newbie guide page in order to gain a feel for the kind of games reviewed upon this site. Although, even if it still makes no sense or fills you with a kind of dreadful fear that this might be the sandbox of a bunch of spastic geeks, fear not! It is our intention to provide the funny upon these pages even if you have no intention of ever, ever playing a game without graphics. Appropriately enough, this page of IF reviews is, well, interactive. If you feel a particular reviewer has slagged a game you cherish, lionized a ware that caused you to convulse and start selling buicks, or just plain feel the reviewer has overstepped the bounds of good taste and decency through mounds of gratuitous 'prophanity', you can leave your comment on the review itself and have it posted on the very page that offends you.
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