It's probably pretty obvious by now that the site has become, ah, rather stagnant as of late.
My fault. I haven't been overly idle, really, but I definitely have not given the site nearly enough time. This changes as of today, but in order to do so I'm opening up the Trotting Krips site to reviews of all kinds of video games, not just text adventures. IF will still be a major part of the site, of course, but rather than go months without any sort of content and having there be some babble on whatever the game of the moment is in the BBS, I've decided to get a bit more disciplined and make this place entertaining on a more-regular basis.
Checking out the url will always tell you when a new review is up. It will also be listed on the regular www page. New content that is not in the form of a game review will only be posted to the www section, though. I understand that being interested in a game review may not necessarily mean one is interested in the other random zefross I am liable to post, so I'll keep the two separated in that respect.
Thanks again for reading the site
-- Robb