FOOD I COULD EAT EVERY DAY #2: Double Cheeseburger
It goes without saying that just because one could eat a food every day, doesn’t mean one necessarily should. This probably falls into that category.
Specifically here I am talking about the generally fast-food variety of double cheeseburger, exemplified by such West Coast staples as the In-n-Out Double-Double (pictured), The Habit Double Char w/Cheese, and the Double Cheeseburger at Big Jo’s at 1955 Broadway in Santa Monica.
There is a little leeway with the ingredients, but generally to be considered for this category, you must have a hamburger bun (not a kaiser roll), and betwixt the bun one should find two thin burger patties, each topped with a slice of American cheese. This is the key, as the cheese should basically liquefy, and mix with the thin patties into a large wad of beefy, cheesy goo, imparted with that faint sour tang that only melted American cheese can offer.
If this were it, it would be too heavy to have each day, but when accompanied by lettuce, tomato, some sort of pickle item, and some variety of tangy sauce (thousand island, or a mayo/mustard mix), the taste and textures are fully rounded out to provide a giant, sumptuous, cholesterol-laden explosion of flavor in your omnivorous hole.
It is also the most colorful item on the list, featuring vibrant whites, greens and reds, shimmering yellows, and two shades of earthy brown, it seems to blossom like a beautiful, greasy, oozing flower!
An edible flower, that I could eat every day. And that is why Double Cheeseburger is the 34th best game of all time.
Fry em! One of my favorite things by Pinback ever. This had taste, real world comparisons and even took us into video gaming.
Loved this one Pinner, going now to eat some bovine chop chop.