Hi! ICJ here. As you can see, I have pretty much taken the last few days off, as Pinback has helpfully described the sorts of foods he could throw back into his slavering maw every single day. This has been a sort of slow torture for me, as I have been updating the website at night, and in order to be less of an eyesore, I am on something that is half a diet and half a healthier lifestyle tha-ZZZzzzz whoa, bored myself to sleep with that sentence. Anyway, I am on carrot juice and cauliflower until I pass out, and I can’t even BEGIN to describe how much I would have loved a Double Kalua Lobster at eleven PM these last few nights.

One thing I did do some work on was the new RSS feed to the other site I maintain, Caltrops. Then our programmer, Entropy Stew, threw my stuff out and did a much better job. You can subscribe to the feed here:


It is filtered as best we can. I can’t promise it is completely work-safe, but we have tried to make it as such. It’s a feed of forum posts. We haven’t done anything for the articles, but those are infrequent enough that it wouldn’t make much difference.

Thanks, and please feel free to subscribe. If you’ll now excuse me, I see that baby in the lobster costume, and I am going to go to the store to finally sate my late-night craving for bab-LOBSTER!