I missed the first day since making this a blog! You know what meme I like? Hitting the f key a lot. It’s going to take off. But how do I react to missing a day?
Anyway, I am going to post-date this, so nobody will now. A bunch of things to talk about tonight.
First off, I was linked to by a neat article on indie gaming over at The Monk’s Brew. So I am going to link back to him and more importantly, start reading his website because I want greater knowledge of the “indie” computer game scene, and carefully-written, thoughtful articles about it interest me. These articles are unlike the glazed-over slop that this article is. We’ll get to the excuses and blame in a bit.
Secondly, I had a chance to pick up some Nathan’s beef franks on Sunday. I like phrasing it that way, because it sounds like I am too fucking important to just pick up a package of goddamn hot dogs. About twice a year I want some hot dogs, because I get nostalgic for “Albon’s Hot Dogs” in lovely downtown Hilton, NY – in Canning Street Square. Oh, you have been there and don’t remember it? That’s because Albon went out of business about 20 years ago. F-f-f-ffffffffffffack! He sold hot dogs and nothing but. He was AWESOME. My mom would take me and Knuckles down there when they had parent-teacher conference days (PTA days were half days, and because my brother and I weren’t sociopaths, our parents never had to be there.)
All right, I think we’ve established why I get homesick and want hot dogs. I would always get the “Ballpark” ones because Michael Jordan was the spokesman for them. I have no particular affection for Jordan, so really, that’s the power of advertising. Thirty-something programmers dumped out on the street, having to grocery-shop for themselves. It’s all about the mental associations.
This time I picked the “Nathan’s” hot dog package, because they sponsor competitive eating. Which I think is fascinating. Since I am already hours late, and this is an embarrassing subject anyway, let’s wrap this up: the hot dogs are great! I used to think that those disgusting eyesores ate 60 of them in 8 minutes on the 4th of July because they were looking for fame, fortune, and one of those giant checks. Maybe not so! They are just plain tasty. Best of all, no hot dog connoisseur is going to show up in the comments and tell me to fuck myself and my pedestrian upbringing.
All right, hot dogs and indie games. This made CZK two hours late. Sorry everyone!