In case you’re a newer member of the BBS, do yourself a favor, go read all previous ROCKER posts in the Troll Room archives. You’ll be glad you did. ROCKER was the ballsiest, rockingest guy in the whole world. They’ll be a few pages back, but you should have no trouble locating them, as there was nothing obscure, nothing plain about the ROCKER.

And it worked, I tell you what. His posts and animated gifs had everyone from Roody to One of the Bruces looking forward to Friday, until one day, when, for no good, he left us…forever! In the years since, I’ve been checking the Troll Room irregularly, hoping to see a return of his unique brand of Fridaytime RAWQ, but he’s been gone for many years now. Although, if Matedire can return to us (minus the $200, of course), then surely… surely ROCKER can RAWCK us one last time.

BEER: Mickey’s Fine Malt Liquor

It never fails. You can always find at least a few half-finished bottles of Mickey’s scattered around Atlanta park benches. Sure, it’s warm and completely flat, but it’s free.

I hunkered down beside the bench, wiped some sediment from the rim, and took a deep gulp from it. TASTY! Sweetish and refreshing, with that industrial chemical soaked corn taste I love. Slight metallic aftertaste. Hang in there till the last drop is gone, you’ll be glad you did. It’s a shame they redesigned the bottles, getting cut by those peel-back metal tabs was part of the fun.

People have been known to gripe about vicious 3-day hangovers from drinking Mickey’s, but c’mon, guys, don’t knock it till you’ve drank it for at least a couple weeks straight. At least have one for old friend ROCKER.

To ROCKER!! To Friday!! To Jolt Country!!

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