So, this morning, I got an email with the subject line “Mutant Pigmen”. Now, since I just found out that the GaryCon event schedule had been published, and that I am actually running a session of “Bring Me The Head Of Frank Sinatra!”, I assumed that it was someone who had read my One Page Dungeon Contest entry–which was later published in Fight On! magazine — and was telling me that they were registering for it.
Which would have been really cool.
But what the message instead said was:
I read somthing about mutant pigmen inhabiting the cranberry bog area’s of the forest here in New Jersey last weekend afew friends and i were on a trail near an old foundation in the middle of the forest and my girlfriend snapped a picture .. when we got home i noticed what looks like a pig faced person hiding behind the foundation.. was what i read just a joke or is there actual rumers about it ?? i have the photo which is a bit blurry but very creepy if you’d like to see it.. thanks , my names Damon.
So of course I wrote back that I would very much like to see the photo, that it had just been a joke, but that since the Pine Barrens are pretty much Appalachia-in-New-Jersey it didn’t surprise me much.
And then I got the attached file:
I wrote back with the suggestions dog-on-its-hind-legs, trick-of-the-light, furry-interrupted-mid-yiff, or cryptid.
What do you think?
I don’t see any pigmen (or any strange thing). Or my eyes are just strained.