A few years ago I did the vocal, bass and drum tracks to a few new songs, in what would have been the third Beaver compact disc.

It never materialized for a number of reasons – the fact that we lived in four different states didn’t help, but at the same time, it was ultimately going to require someone running around all over the country with a shitty Tascam Portastudio03, recording things. And when I realized that the best recording I was ever going to get out of that goddamn thing was a continually-popping pantomime of listenable…ness..ity, it really made the hundreds of dollars (which I didn’t have) in travel seem like a pointless expense.

Enter the Internet! You can now collaborate on songs across the globe.

Anyway, I am attempting to fix up some bugs in a text game I released 8 years ago. If you can play a reasonable guitar… haha, I am just kidding, you can’t suck more than me – if you can play a guitar poorly, sign up to www.kompoz.com and help me out on this track: http://www.kompoz.com/compose-collaborate/home.project?projectId=5168 . The tough part would then be in naming our band?