
Warcraft III & New Game-Buying Policy
by Pinback
From now on, I will only be buying games with "III" at
the end of their titles. To wit, the last two games I bought were:
"Grand Theft Auto III" - arguably the greatest video game of all time, except
maybe for the save-game feature, which I neither like or hate as much as I once did, and
...well, here I was last night, getting dru- I mean, winding down after the long day, and
I realize I hadn't been keeping up with gaming current events as much as I used to,
particularly in the strategy genre. So I started downloading some demos. One demo I
downloaded was "America's Army", the FPS from the actual army. This seemed
really neat. At least, the first training scenario seemed neat. The rest of it, I was
unable to get to, since in order to save your progress, the program has to be able to
connect to an internet server, said server which was not operational at the time that I
played the training scenario (twice). GTA3's save-game feature might not be everyone's
favorite, but it does include the ability to actually save the game, which I was not able
to accomplish with America's Army. And since you can't get past the first training
scenario unless it saves, it's going to be hard to progress much further.
Anyway, the other thing I downloaded was a preview demo for "Medieval: Total
War", a realtime wargame which features hundreds of troops bashing the shit out of
each other over vast, rolling landscapes. This was cool. This felt like a game that I
would definitely buy, then bring home, then play all night one night, then never play
again, then be pissed at myself for 1) not playing it, and 2) continuing to buy games that
I only play for one night.
So, drunk with bloodlust (and beer), I was left itching for a non-demo strategy/war
product to enjoy. I went back online to check the news, and read a story that WARCRAFT III
had just been released!! People were very excited about this!! People were so excited that
two nights ago, all Fry's locations opened at midnight for a Windows98-esque running of
the bulls!! What a momentous moment in gaming history!! Except I didn't much care, since I
had never played either of the other two, and my RTS career has been limited to buying a
few of them, taking them home, playing them for one night, pronouncing them "really
really cool", and then never playing them again.
Of course, then I read the review (gamespot.com) which basically says: "Sorry if the
spelling in this review is a bit off -- many of my keys are stuck together by the boysauce
I spewed all over it during the first five minutes I played this game."
Well, given that kind of review, and the seductive lure of mob behavior, I went right out
this morning to Fry's to buy one!! (at the laughable price of $59.99 - watch me laugh:
"hahehaehe"). I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to find a copy, after
all the hubbub...
No problems there.
Fry's had basically blown out half of their entire software section to make room for
THOUSANDS of the "mini-box" copies of this sucker. I am not making this up:
When you walk in, there's immediately a large rack of hundreds of WC3s staring you in the
face. If you manage to work your way around that rack, you come to a HUGE "WC3
fort", with a fake flame burning on top, and zillions more in the box underneath.
If you manage to withstand that assault of "buy me or you will be the only one
without me and people will laugh at you (more than usual)", then you finally come to
the regular old software shelves, where one entire 15-20foot section of shelves are jam
packed with SQUILLIONS more miniboxes, "collectors edition" boxes ($74.95), and
"Official Strategy Guides".
Then, once you've succumbed to the mindspell which all of these boxes has put on you, and
you head to the cashier, you pass another enormous section of shelves with WC3 Action
Figures that you can buy. (And beef jerky.)
I swear, I've never seen anything like this.
Anyway, I just HAD to have one.
I've been playing for a few hours now, and I can definitely say (although I really have no
idea how to play an RTS properly) "This is really, really cool!"
I'm going to play it all night!
I wonder what'll happen next!
SiteOp Note: Click here for the
exciting conclusion!!! OMG!!!