I Wrote This JAMMA 48-in-1 FAQ
“There is… this machine!” — Nick Montfort The machine we’re talking about today is a circuit board that lets you make your JAMMA-compatible arcade cabinet capable of playing 48 games…
“There is… this machine!” — Nick Montfort The machine we’re talking about today is a circuit board that lets you make your JAMMA-compatible arcade cabinet capable of playing 48 games…
ICJ: Does this look like a game you would want to play? Pinback: As long as I don't have to look at that picture anymore. Emily Short is doing a…
As these final days wind down, often I find my thoughts turning to long-lost members. As I was sitting there, stemless Reidel in hand, waiting for the next beer to…
ROUND TWO SCORING ANALYSIS without regard for any player other than Tiger Woods Well, okay, it’s going to be a little harder to paint a pretty picture today, but I’m…
FIRST ROUND SCORING ANALYSIS, based solely on how it affects Tiger Woods. After the first round, Tiger stands at even par, tied for 19th, and four shots back of the…
Hanging above the mantel was an elvish sword of great antiquity. That told me everything I needed to know about the client, right there. Snap judgments and stereotypes might not…
For many of us, Jolt Country has been the centerpiece of our internet experience. Much of it has to do with a local populace that treats each and every visitor…
I was recently asked, in reference to the practice of living effortlessly as described at my website (effortlessnow.com), “How do I stop caring what other people think about me?” I…
I’ve read and studied and practiced various forms of cognitive therapies and mindfulness practices for the past few years, a process in which Eckhart’s books have played a major, if…