Pinback’s Top Ten Games of All-Time: #0
#0: Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor (2008) As I said before, this list is “genre based”, in that I tried to make sure that no basic gaming genre…
#0: Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor (2008) As I said before, this list is “genre based”, in that I tried to make sure that no basic gaming genre…
Sorry, sorry, lots of articles in the hopper, none are done right now. Allow me to link an MP3. I was in a band called Beaver when I was at…
In this, a new ongoing feature, we introduce the Forgotten Tomb of the Hardcore Casual Gamer. Seeing how last night I installed a high score kit into my Asteroids (hardcore!)…
#1: Civilization IV (2005) My history with the Civilization games is checkered at best. I remember when the original first came out. I was right there in line to buy…
When IÂ made A Crimson Spring, I was learning a new IF programming language, drawing comic book-style art after a lengthy layoff, getting music integrated, and displaying graphics. I didn’t…
I’m still in the PHB, but: The new alignment system (LG,G,E,CE,”unaligned”) sucks. Really. The new cosmography also sucks, but, hey, I *liked* the Great Wheel. The new races…well, I miss…
#2: Rollercoaster Tycoon (1999) Before there was Mall Tycoon, and Zoo Tycoon, and Crackhouse Tycoon, and Auschwitz Tycoon, there was Rollercoaster Tycoon. Let me start the review with the end…
(OK, this is ICJ taking over at this point, as I think what happened made Pinback’s heart go out.) My first job was as a clerk at a driving range.…
Whoa, lookee here! Stuart Campbell is, of course, one of the few gaming journalists that has actually furthered the goddamn art, so if he’s getting blamed for something –…
I bought this CD off THE BAY, as it was only $3 and I have been listening to a rip of it virtually every day for the last two years.…