Coolness vs. Playability: Sword of the Stars First Impression
Pinner wrote the article with that very title on Caltrops, which I will link to … here! (OK, the link works now.)
Pinner wrote the article with that very title on Caltrops, which I will link to … here! (OK, the link works now.)
I have reduced my gameplaying activities to virtually nothing but “galactic conquest games”. Last time, you heard me speak about Mayhem Intergalactic, a small indie title which takes the space…
I remember reading the Saints’ schedule at the beginning of the year. It’s soft-serve ice cream. This was the weakest schedule I’ve ever seen them with. I’m not going to…
It’s been a while since we had a hot sauce update. The truth is, I was totally out of the game for a while, but I’ve begun to enjoy hot…
My pitching has been pretty terrible in my first two seasons. I think my team was letting up like five runs a game. Some of this was due to my…
Guys: You make women feel terrible about how they dress and act 364 days a year. Especially if you’re on the Internet. Don’t you monsters DARE try to “recognize the…
The last couple of years, I have been in an AL-only Diamond Mind computer baseball league with seven other guys. I have finished in 7th place both years. During last…
Ahhh… the weekend! Another stressful week complete. Relax as I did, won’t you? …By heading over to The Post-Pessimist Association!
I happend upon dinner with my brother this week. No he’s not a clown so fuck off. Anyhow he dragged me in to a comic book shop at the end…
Note from Ice Cream Jonsey: Friend, Long have I awaited thy coming of age. Our town of Detroit doth slowly wither under the cursed sorcery of Mangar, spawn of demons.…