Catching Up With The Space Hulks
Hello! There have been like no updates lately. This is mostly because I have entered one of those weirdly productive periods when it comes to making a text game, and…
Hello! There have been like no updates lately. This is mostly because I have entered one of those weirdly productive periods when it comes to making a text game, and…
Somebody might tell you that MLB has their act together when it comes to understanding the opportunities that the Internet offers the average fan to catch their favorite team. THIS…
Just a quick note to anyone dropping by: I’m on Twitter, at
Here’s the thing about Tiger Woods: Nobody argues about it anymore. There was a time, if you can believe it, that there was such a thing as the “Big Four”…
I wrote a review (spoilers, sorry) of a game called Don’t Look Back over on Caltrops.
ICJ’s note: the year is 2009, and Pinback has taken to finding everything he can on submarine games. Why? I think the idea has always appealed to him because it…
I couldn’t hear anything in Scotland, and certainly not on a bus. I had an operation on one ear when I was like eight, but no records exist from that…
I’m at an Internet cafe with Lex, we have been informed that the price will be seventy pence for an hour’s access to their computers. It’s a much better deal…
The cold I had is going around work right now, and people are going to doctors (responsibly), taking some time away from work (responsibly) and getting prescribed medicine (responsibly). I…
The Encyclopedia Sherwinia defines a ceilidh as: “From what I understand, Scottish people – look, Lex said this – they need, like, help in getting together and pairing off and…