Arcade Manual PDFs on the Internet Archive
Well, well, well: lookee here. That’s a the manual to the arcade version of Pac-Man, in pdf form. There is already a nice stash of arcade manuals on, but…
Well, well, well: lookee here. That’s a the manual to the arcade version of Pac-Man, in pdf form. There is already a nice stash of arcade manuals on, but…
I have a Marble Madness cabinet currently being shipped to me. I have been turned onto these Game Developers Conference post-mortem vids – won’t you let yourself be turned on…
I’m trying to backfill a little bit, having been away from a computer for much of last week, trying to help orchestrate the revival of the Old Man Murray Wikipedia…
Aric did the heavy lifting here. The original interview was on PC Gamer, here. PC Gamer interviewed game developer Jonathan Blow about his upcoming game, and this came to light:…
Will your stalwart band choose to fight or run?
I am posting this like an entire year late. I loved Bull. I want you to love it, too. But I have to confess that I have spent every night…
The first time Yahoo! behaved like childish cunts to me, it was 1998. I had just gotten a new (to me) car. I wanted to show my friends a photo…
(An exchange between my friend Gerrit and I.) Robb: Did ya “dress up” for Halloween? Gerrit: Yes. I spent $2.00 to get some green face paint and went as the…
The best game of 2009 was, in fact, This was amazing, because up until that point, there had only been one decent game ever written in Flash: Nanaca Crash.…
Flack wrote an article on his site regarding the iPad app “iDos”. He was able to run Hugo games in DOS mode with it, which is, of course, close to…