Hats off to Ben Parrish
Hi! As some of you may know, my life recently went topsy-turvy. If my life were in a comic book, it would have had a banner that read, “EVERYTHING YOU…
Hi! As some of you may know, my life recently went topsy-turvy. If my life were in a comic book, it would have had a banner that read, “EVERYTHING YOU…
J. P. Ricciardi has been the general manager of the Toronto Blue Jays since November 14th, 2001. The Blue Jays have not made the playoffs since he was hired. It…
Just an update to the Mr. Do! page on the left that I turned into a bloggy format.
Castle Crashes is a new little beat-em-up for the Xbox 360. And I would totally get it. There are only two real problems. The first is that I now have…
I grew up in western New York, and the fans there were always busting on Bruce Smith and Jim Kelly. You play football, you have a target on your back.…
I honestly can’t remember hating a service more. This thing is FUCKING TERRIBLE. I just watched about 14 innings of the Blue Jays – Rays game. It will completely die…
My favorite quote in the election, so far, is from a McCain staffer. “John McCain is aware of the Internet.” In much the same way, I am aware of the…
Nobody was more psyched to get Dead Rising, at least in September 2008, than me. It’s been out for a while now, and I’ve heard amazing things about it. I…
Today’s update is just me pointing to the new Arkanoid page.
If you are like me, you acquire arcade games. Let’s just stop with that. You are probably not like me, going forward from here, but we’ll try to keep things…