Every Episode of House
Today’s update is just a link to the script that Pinback wrote, which just happens to be every single episode of House, ever.
Today’s update is just a link to the script that Pinback wrote, which just happens to be every single episode of House, ever.
These tiny reviews could fit in your pocket! WEB WARS: The perspective shifts on this and it messes with your head. There’s not a lot going on here, otherwise. NOT…
FROM THE MAILBAG: I was recently asked about the kinds of projects I worked on at Cyrix. I don’t mind saying that I was an insignificant cog that got laid…
Jimmy Maher was nice enough to play and review No Time to Squeal, a game I did with Mike Sousa a few years ago. Check out his thoughts here. There’s…
I recently went to the Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown and played a lot of pinball. I don’t know how the industry is doing as a whole, but when there is…
WIZARD OF WOR At the CGE in Vegas last year there was a real Wizard of Wor. It was very difficult to get onto it and play it, because apparently…
One of the funniest examples of contempt for the consumer was given to us, like God’s only Son, by someone who used to work on one of Sony’s on-line role…
Rather than sit in traffic today, as it’s ridiculously fucking snowing on May 1st out here, I broke ranks and headed over to Jason’s Billiards in order to play someÂ…
#8: SUPER MARIO 64 (1996) Â I can count on two (2) fingers the number of times I’ve fired up a game and had an instant sense of being overwhelmed,…
I’m going to paste a picture of the greatest player to ever wear a Blue Jays uniform. He is in his athletic prime right now, so no, the stats don’t…