Roody Yogurt Reviews IF Competion ’12 Games! (Part Two)
The Lift by Colin Capurso More so than any other type of game, weapon pedantry is really annoying in CYOA (“OH NOES YOU CHOSE THE KNIFE WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE…
The Lift by Colin Capurso More so than any other type of game, weapon pedantry is really annoying in CYOA (“OH NOES YOU CHOSE THE KNIFE WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE…
Transit by Shaye Transit is a game from the perspective of someone separated from a friend at a foreign airport, with no means of communication. Looking over the prose again…
I intend to use this thread to chronicle the cool things I see at the Midwest Gaming Classic each year. Here are my thoughts on this year: For some ten…
First off, apologies that I didn’t properly categorize my last IF-related post so it didn’t show up until now. That said, I have another annoyance to share with the IF…
I just want to put something out there. More and more often, it seems, modern IF games use waiting-for-a-keypress pauses for dramatic effect. What many authors don’t realize, I think,…
Endless, Nameless by NamelessAdventurer (Adam Cadre) Official Web Page IFDB Link This write-up doesn’t aim to be a proper review. The first bit is just some hints for people who…
I was going to write my thoughts on my Live Journal, but hey, I haven’t updated that thing in like two years- why start now? First off, these days, I’m…