Whoa, lookee here!


Stuart Campbell is, of course, one of the few gaming journalists that has actually furthered the goddamn art, so if he’s getting blamed for something – anything – I assume the other party is in the wrong. But stealing from somebody’s website? That’s just filthy.

4 thoughts on “Bruce Everiss Would Appear to be a Cunt”
  1. Defending Campbell and attacking copyright infringement in the same breath? Ahoy hoy! Big SC likes sell things that he doesn’t own. Presumably because no-one will pay him to do real work any more.

  2. Bruce, it is quite possible that I have the facts wrong. Please feel free to expand your position and set the record straight. I confess that I really enjoy Stuart Campbell’s work, but I do not wish for there to be a misrepresentation of your position here.

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