Hello! There have been like no updates lately. This is mostly because I have entered one of those weirdly productive periods when it comes to making a text game, and partly because I put together a machine that plays Robotron downstairs. Robotron is addicting on its own, but the joysticks I have on the thing numb my hands after about 15 minutes of play. I’d need some kind of speech-to-text program to follow up a session with a blog post. Windows XP has text-to-speech, but most people only encounter that when their pets jump on their keyboards. It’s like… Windows Key + … U? I’m not sure. My cats would know.
I haven’t been completely idle. There’s a new Space Hulk or Warhammer or something-game coming out, and I was asked by Jerry Whorebach to disfavorably compare it to the 3DO version. I… I can do that.