Jay Schilling’s Edge of Chaos is now on Steam
“Jay Schilling’s Edge of Chaos” is a game that I created with Mike Sousa and it’s now on Steam. We hired Nikos Chantziaras to help with a beautiful front end…
“Jay Schilling’s Edge of Chaos” is a game that I created with Mike Sousa and it’s now on Steam. We hired Nikos Chantziaras to help with a beautiful front end…
The 2019 Interactive Fiction Competition is live!! Check out all the games in this year’s comp here at https://ifcomp.org. The game I made is called Enceladus, you can download it…
If you’d like to pick up Cryptozookeeper for Steam for a low price, you can get it through this IndieGala bundle for 12 more hours. Thanks for reading: https://www.indiegala.com/monday-motivation-65
My upcoming CRPG / text adventure hybrid called Cyberganked has been Greenlit on Steam. After sending out dozens of messages to Valve assuming, trumpeting and inventing for them their “no…
I’m putting the character role-playing game I’m making onto Steam Greenlight, in the hopes that it gets on Steam proper. This is not the first time I’ve tried to put…
This quarter’s update to the progress of Cyberganked is over here at Indie Game News. Lots of news there that makes me happy. Randy had another successful year with the…
The process I have been using for actors in Cyberganked is as follows: – I place an ad (or ask a friend) if they can run through Randy McLellan’s haunted…
Bundle in a Box, yesterday I did a terrible job promoting the Bundle in a Box on my own site, which is unacceptable, because my game Necrotic Drift is part…
Here are the entries for this year’s Hugo “Open House” Competition 2013! C.H.U.M.S. by Jason McWright Clockwork Boy 2 by Marius Mueller and Roody Yogurt. Cyberganked Proof of Concept by…
The Lift by Colin Capurso More so than any other type of game, weapon pedantry is really annoying in CYOA (“OH NOES YOU CHOSE THE KNIFE WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE…