Starcraft 2: From Worse to Bad — Control Groups
This installment is called: Putting Your Buildings In Control Groups That sounds like a terribly dry, boring title, so it may surprise you when I tell you that this is…
This installment is called: Putting Your Buildings In Control Groups That sounds like a terribly dry, boring title, so it may surprise you when I tell you that this is…
Welcome to SC2FWTB, the thread in which I will TEACH YOU, the horrible SC2 player, how to rise to the ranks of the merely bad! I feel qualified to dispense…
Flack had been counting down his 15 favorite video games in the JC BBS for a month now, and he recently completed the list. Down to #1, at least. Confused?…
I’ll admit I had my doubts when I started to play a spirited round of ATC-SIM: The Web-Based Air Traffic Control Sim. I had doubts because I am a highly-functional…
An earlier time, call it 1988. A young Pinback gets his first real computer programming job in a real office (the US Treasury Department building in downtown DC). 21 years…
It all began with this thread in which a commitment was made to find a sub game, and to play it. Why a sub game? I don’t know. I think…
Over the past week or two, I’ve played quite a few indie games and demos. I will now give you some thoughts on these indie games and demos. INDIE GAME:…
Here are my five favorite games from 2008. I’m throwing Crayon Physics into the 2009 category, since you couldn’t buy the full version last year. I should also state that…
Brainpipe is the latest offering from Digital Eel, the fine folks who brought you the world- (or at least geek-) renowned Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space. And this time,…
Fallout 3 is the first game I’ve been determined to play through to some sort of ending since BioShock, and unlike BioShock, this game is not a six-hour venture that…