The New Metallica Album
Here’s my experience with Metallica: I’ve bought three of their albums, Kill ‘Em All, Master of Puppets, and And Justice For All. I thought Kill ‘Em All was weak, and…
Here’s my experience with Metallica: I’ve bought three of their albums, Kill ‘Em All, Master of Puppets, and And Justice For All. I thought Kill ‘Em All was weak, and…
Castle Crashes is a new little beat-em-up for the Xbox 360. And I would totally get it. There are only two real problems. The first is that I now have…
Is it “Risk in space”, or is it the 4X genre stripped down to its core? Ultimately, you may wind up asking yourself if those two aren’t the same questions.…
I begrudgingly purchased Tiger ’09, still smarting from the horrid experience that was Tiger ’08, but hoping against hope that at least some of the “this one is much better…
IÂ have completed the game (with the exception of some secret, hidden content I’m now learning about from the Intertubes), and so will now present a NON-SPOILER REVIEW. I will…
Boogie Nights. Really. Top ten? Why that one? Sell me on Boogie Nights, I’ve never seen it. Well, alright. I’ll try, anyway. Of course, it can be a difficult sell,…
#0: Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor (2008) As I said before, this list is “genre based”, in that I tried to make sure that no basic gaming genre…
#1: Civilization IV (2005) My history with the Civilization games is checkered at best. I remember when the original first came out. I was right there in line to buy…
#2: Rollercoaster Tycoon (1999) Before there was Mall Tycoon, and Zoo Tycoon, and Crackhouse Tycoon, and Auschwitz Tycoon, there was Rollercoaster Tycoon. Let me start the review with the end…
I bought this CD off THE BAY, as it was only $3 and I have been listening to a rip of it virtually every day for the last two years.…