ICJ: Does this look like a game you would want to play?
Pinback: As long as I don't have to look at that picture anymore.

Emily Short is doing a cover-art drive, for text games. There is an amazing resource called the Interactive Fiction Database. You can upload little icons for your text games. A lot of games never had this sort of thing, so she got artists together with the game makers, and much good has resulted. You can check out the gallery right here.

Cryptozookeeper, the game, isn’t done yet, but it won’t be too much longer. It’s on schedule, anyway! The look I was going for was that of the Grindhouse-style posters, that became a mini-meme recently when the movie Grindhouse was released. But I think it’s a good style to use for CZK. Enjoy! Unless you are Pinback, in which case, do not scroll down!

Cryptozookeeper by Robb Sherwn