Not that any of you stuffed crust wastoids will be leaving your computers long enough to hit the voting booth, “I SHOULD BE ABLE TO VOTE THROUGH THE INTERNET” you cry. Yeah if there was internet voting back in 1969 your precious Star Trek would still be on the air and I’m guessing Scott Bakula would still have a prominent role.
Anyhow after reading through your posts the last year I’ve come to the realization that the majority of you want a candidate that makes you feel like your still in the confines of mommies womb. You don’t want anyone rocking the boat, everything to cost nothing and for the oppressed people of the world to keep on living in filth while their evil governments make important decisions- like circumcising female babies, testing chemical weapons on dogs and blowing up Jews.
Therefore I’m going to play a guessing game about those who I slightly know and predict who they are going to vote for.
ICJ- Is a known Lieberman hater yet loves Israel. So the Jew factor cancels out. I know Lieberman isn’t running but all of his former democrat cronies are the most pathetic saps of second hand guessing and double talking shit-fucks I’ve ever seen. Robb hates Bush cause he’s represents one of the “cool” people that left Robb out of the cold in Junior High. My prediction? He throws his vote down the toilet and vote for Nader, which is a vote for McCain! EVERYONE WINS!
Pinback- Here’s another guy who can’t vote for Bush because Bush is too much IN YOUR FACE PINBACK! He needs a subtle, caring candidate that makes him feel good about himself and that things are gonna be all right. My prediction: Earl F. Dodge of the Prohibition Party.
Vitriola- This crazy woman is all over the place. She wants to rock to Icelandic Goat Sacrificing Rock while being wooed by fine wine and simple pleasures. So who the fuck knows? My guess: Michael Bay of the “National Barking Spider Resurgence” Party. I’m not fucking kidding; this weirdo is actually running for President. Don’t believe me-
Lysander- HAHAHA He lives in Alaska. Do they even have the right to vote there? Has any candidate ever visited the state? Does current President Bush even know there is a state called Alaska? My guess is after McCain gets elected he will pull all the oil out of that freezer box and tell the Russians “Here you go, have it back, good fucking riddance” Other than when the Russians repeal the Caribou protection act, nobody will notice. BTW, Lysander, I am so sorry you have to actually listen to this shit. That’s as close to remorse and an apology you’ll ever get out of me. Get Bent.
Danzaland- I know he hates everything and has morphed in to some type of conspiracy theory brainwashing thingy. Bush is the perfect president for these guys but the fact Bush doesn’t openly bash gays, blacks and Jews makes THESE guys think he is a bleeding heart. At heart, Danza is a constitutionalist and will vote for whatever white trash degenerate foolishly accepts their nomination, thus ending the candidate’s career in any job field that doesn’t require wearing a paper hat or cleaning up dog feces.
If I’ve left anyone out it’s because I don’t know you or more likely I couldn’t give two shits and you don’t matter to me. However, I am more than happy to tell everyone who you will be voting for if you like!
I think the MAIN reason I won’t vote for Bush is that he’s not running this year???
(Also I won’t be voting.)