In keeping with the end of the latest Golden Age, I’ll start this feature, a pointless, deadly dull funeral dirge of content that nobody could possibly care about even if you paid them to read it by the ASCII character.

In this thread I will list for you all of the foods that I think I could eat happily every single day. Of course, if I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a wide variety of foods to choose from, and I just had to eat whatever’s around, then of course I’m gonna be happy eating whatever I got every day. You know what I mean, though. Stop trying to ruin this terrible thread.


Pho, that staple of Vietnamese cuisine. A most delectable combination of aromatic broth, rice noodles, meats and herbs which just seems to provide a new flavor with every bite. There is no greater anticipation than that which you feel when a boiling-hot steaming bowl is shoved underneath your face. Tear in some basil leaves, squeeze in a little lime, and go to town. There’s no “correct” way to eat it, but if you don’t end up with broth and crap all over your face and the table you’re sitting at, having made disgusting slurping noises all the while, then you have definitely done something wrong!

Pho. More than any other food on this list, I could eat it every single day and never get bored. Grab some today!

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