
Pinback: Robb? Gravitar, Robb? Fan?

ICJ: Yeah, I am a fan
ICJ: At first I wasn’t? But I am totally a fan now
ICJ: Half of the reason why is because of the technology involved

Pinback: Cuz Gravitron 2 is out, and it’s $5, and if you say you’re a Gravitar fan, I’ll fucking buy it, spend the rest of the fucking day playing it, and then fucking write a review of it.

ICJ: Wait – What? Gravitron? Or Gravitar?

Pinback: GRAVITRON 2 is a game released two weeks ago, which is a total retro throwback to Gravitar.
Pinback: But with modern-day sensibilities.
Pinback: It’s either this, or I buy chips at Full Tilt Poker.

ICJ: Here is the thing with Gravatar: that is a 10-minute game
ICJ: You have seen it all in ten minutes
ICJ: If they added stuff to this… Gravitron 2, then OK.

Pinback: Have you seen it all with GRAVITRON 2??
Pinback: Look, it’s five bucks. Either that, or I lose $100 on Full Tilt which I do not have to spare.

ICJ: Where is the web page for this?
ICJ: … I will be getting that tonight.

Pinback: SHIT YEAH
Pinback: Then I am getting it right now.

ICJ: 40 stages! There’s like 3 in real Gravitar?
Pinback: And dude
Pinback: It has a whole “blow the thing up then get 60 seconds to escape” thing, like Major Havoc.
Pinback: AND it’s got a “rescue the little guys” thing, like Choplifter.

ICJ: I must possess this game

Pinback: Fucking BOUGHT.
Pinback: Which is to say, I paid money.
Pinback: I don’t technically “have” the “full copy” yes.

ICJ: Yeah, these things take time… Still less of a pain in the ass than going to Gamestop.


Editor’s note: I purchased Gravitron 2 later that evening, and yes – it is amazing. It is amazing piece of work. Vector-style graphics done in raster will never, EVER cease to be amazing to me, and the fact that they took a nice retro game and expanded it perfectly means this thing is a steal for five bucks. Five bucks! It’s worth more than five bucks.

I think the only way this game could be better would be if you were able to rescue and redeem tokens at Full Tilt Poker, which would normally not even be on the table, but seeing how Gravitron 2 merges Choplifter, Thrust, Gravitar and Major Havoc into one delightful package, what’s one more game?