My favorite quote in the election, so far, is from a McCain staffer. “John McCain is aware of the Internet.” In much the same way, I am aware of the show Intervention. If I had any idea what time it was on, what channel, and what constitutes a “season” of show for basic cable, I’d … well, if I had the ability to DVR something, I’d do that to it. I am aware of DVRing.
Here’s a video made by Fussbett Sanitario that has to do with that amazing TV show.
I don’t know what it is about that show, but Intervention is like the crack of reality television. About once a week they run little four-hour marathons of that show and I watch the whole frakkin’ thing. The payoff for each show comes in the last 30 seconds. You MUST watch the last 30 seconds to see if the person stayed clean or if they relapsed. There’s nothing like watching a junkie at their lowest low being picked up and sent off to rehab. They even interview them while they’re there. (“I feel great! I feel alive! Life if wonderful!”) Then the screen fades to black and you read, “two months after this was taped they relapsed.” I’ve actually woken my wife up with a Vaderesque, “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!”
I just checked A&E and it looks like each episode of the show sells for $24.95. Not each season — each EPISODE. You might check into that DVR thing a little closer — sounds cheaper. ;)