All right, I am deep into the swing of things when it comes to Cryptoooooooo-zooooookeeper, so it gets to be like eleven o’clock and I realize that I haven’t updated the website. That’s on me! And I do mean eleven o’clock at night, because it would be pretty damn cheeky to roll into work at ten AM and then start getting bloggy an hour later. (Although I normally go for lunch at eleven-thirty, so I am not going to pretend I am up for any awards.)

We – and I truly mean we, this is not the royal we, Gerrit, Ben and my brother have been incredible throughout all this – have been doing this since about Aprilish, and I don’t think we have missed a day, except for those Fridays that I actually took a vacation day, and, of course, holidays that fall on weekdays. I hope that the site at least gives you, the reader, thirty seconds of entertainment before you go to other websites that more deserve your attention. (I am not being humble, for x given website, it truly does.) At the same time, according to this Google Analytics report I have in front of me, the average time spent on the site is 26 seconds, so I clearly have things to strive for here.

Let’s finish this update by telling you what I LIKE. And then you can either agree with me, or make fun of the BBS posters in the comments section below.

CURRENT FAVORITE WEBSITE: The Killer List of Video Games Forum. I won’t bother attaching a link, because trying to get registered to where you can read it is honestly the most tedious process on the Internet, save for setting a twelve-character password for the Something Awful Forum. I finally got the ten games I wanted most in my arcade, got them all to the point where they work nicely, got all the coin lights going, got them all to the point where they had keys and locks so the cats wouldn’t get in… and then my girl left me.

FAVORITE CURRENT WEBCOMIC: It has to be Dinosaur Comics! It really is the only one worth reading on the Internet that I am aware of, at least since I lost the link I had saved for Red Meat. Do any of you ever do that – do you ever have links on particular PCs, and then when that PC dies (er, actually, in this case it was my second PC at AMD, and I quit that job) you stop going to the site because you don’t have it handy? No? I — okay??

CURRENT FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM: Hey, the Blue Jays just dropped two out of three to the AL East-leading Rays. This means that I can apply the $14.95 I spent on each month to my extended Directv bill, for the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS. For like five months out of the year Directv is $92.93, because I get all the games. Meanwhile, Directv has stealthily raised their base prices from $32.99 (when I first moved to Colorado) to $50.99. I’m sorry, did the satellites get dirty and they had to send someone up there to clean them? They have blanketed the ENTIRE NATION with their seed, how the fuck are their expenses going up each year? How is this anything other than a blatant cash grab that makes me feel like I have throbbing muttonchops when I complain about it? Every post bitching about your TV should start out with, “hmm, yes, I”

CURRENT FAVORITE CAT: I have just three now, and the favorite is actually still Frobozz! The one I actually wanted is the favorite for three years straight running now. He’s going to give the guy that won all those times at Jeopardy! a run pretty shortly, so long as the topics include NOT IRRITATING THE SHIT OUT OF ICJ. Frobozz starts at the $1000 question and goes down the line, to show off, when that topic comes up.

CURRENT SHOW BEING WATCHED ON DVD: Spaced! Maybe it’s just me, but the best parts aren’t actually all the geek references. Hey, I am talking about TV, the muttonchops are closing in, gotta cut this short. HMM, YES.