I had known about the beautiful program called Parchment for a few weeks now, but been unable to do anything about it. I assumed it would require throwing a web app on JC and … – I made poor assumptions. This is one of the, if not THE easiest way to play Interactive Fiction. I don’t even know what verbs I should be using here, because I did nothing but type in a link to get this going. “I arranged things so you can play two of my games using Parchment”? No. “I uploaded two of my games and … typed some stuff an-” – No!

“I did the barest minimum and now you can play two of my games over the Internet in a delightful font.” That’ll work.

Chicks Dig Jerks, using the Zcode web terp Parchment.
Revenger, using the same.

Many thanks to the Parchment team! I’m extremely delighted and extremely impressed.

2 thoughts on “Parchment: A web-based Z-machine interpreter”
  1. The display is very nice… actually much nicer than most interpreters!

    I know it’s stating the obvious but what a pity there is nothing similar for Hugo!

  2. A very late comment: Parchment rocks. The amazing epiphany was when I went to “upload” my 140-character games to Parchment and discovered that I could use the exact same method to play any z-file on the web anywhere.

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