Hello! Today I got an opportunity to sell Fallacy of Dawn at PAX East at Jason Scott’s table. If you happened to pick up a copy, let me please, first, thank you. There’s always the possibility that something may go wrong in a printed version, so if you have any trouble running the game, please do not hesitate to get a hold of me:
Robb Sherwin: e-mail – beaver@zombieworld.com
Twitter: icecreamjonsey
I wanted to make sure there were a bunch of ways to run the game. Any of the following will work:
– run the setup.msi program from Windows
– drag dawn.hex (the story file) onto hewin.exe
– you can extract the archive dawn.zip on the disc to your hard drive and launch dawn.hex from hewin.exe
And if you are running Linux or you’re on a Mac, there are interpreters there as well. I’ll be flying tomorrow so if I don’t immediately respond it is because my cell phone reception at 35,000 feet is marginally worse than at home.