Let’s bring it down a notch for Tuesday, take it easy, remain calm, and keep it well under 5.5% abv.

Without engaging in a lengthy, coma-inducing definition of the term “session beer”, let’s just says it’s:

A cultural term originating in the UK pertaining to beers, typical cask-conditioned milds or ordinary bitters, that do not generally exceeding 4 percent alcohol by volume so as to allow the drinker to remain of relatively sound mind for the duration of the “session”.

Although, that should not mean beers that are weak, thin, or shamefully boring in every way. Instead, we’re looking for beers that are low in alcohol, easy to imbibe, yet still manage to PUMP IT UP in terms of flavor.

BEER: Pilsner Urquell (4.4%)

First off, I simply must mention the new presentation for this, the classic pilsner. Tall, golden cans with a classy-looking inlaid design. Delightful! Anyway, it exits the can a cheery, sunflower gold body and all at once sets to work forming a thick, foamy white head. The aroma, sporting a hint of bread, showcases the richly aromatic Saaz hop with an exquisite blend of flowers and spice. Pilsner Urquell inbues the palate with the breadiness of a fresh sliced baquette along with a light honeyed sweetness wrought from its sturdy pils malt backbone. The Saaz hops, prominent in their floral spiciness, also lend the beer a balancing zip of bitterness and leaves the brew to finish with a light, lingering spice. The soft Bohemian water helps it achieve a medium body accentuated by a soft carbonation. Over one hundred sixty years later and still one of the best pilsners brewed anywhere.

Oh, and for Christ sake stick to either can or draft ONLY. Otherwise, you open yourself up to widely varying degrees of freshness and light-struck taint.

Recommended Food Pairing: garbage plate

More session-minded beers to follow!

I’ve heard several good things regarding Full Sail’s Session Premium Lager. Heck, it’s got the word “session” slapped across the front label. Too bad they don’t distribute this far east of the Mississippi…

“I only wish… Ben were here.” — Luke Skywalker

To Jolt Country!!