Just a quick note – I updated the Polybius Home Page with info on the following things:
1) The font. I was given this by a gentleman that contacted me through the JC BBS. I have received some e-mail from people asking for the font, and while I love that sort of contact, it’s not fair to not have it available for everyone. But please – you wanna talk some Polybius, just send me an e-mail at beaver@zombieworld.com.
2) I was recently made aware of the site www.polybiuslives.com. They have a screenshot of what Polybius might have looked like if it was on a color X/Y monitor. Good stuff – not sure if there is more stuff at the site that is not obvious to get to, but when I know more I’ll update. I also noticed that there was a mention of polybiuslives.com on Shawn Struck’s blog, so perhaps this is making the rounds.
I Really want the font
Not fair for everyone to have it? Why? Anyways, I’m making shirts with the polybius logo on it for a film. The jpegs online dont scale up very well, so if you could share the font it would help me alot.
It’s not fair for everyone to NOT have it. I linked the font in the main page here, for free download: http://www.joltcountry.com/polybius.html