As these final days wind down, often I find my thoughts turning to long-lost members. As I was sitting there, stemless Reidel in hand, waiting for the next beer to chill, I thought of Matedire. Surely you all remember him, right? The young man who’s frothing hatred of “FAT WOMEN” won him a special place in all our hearts. He enriched and embettered a young, growing Jolt Country, and I dare say we are all much poorer for his loss. At last count, over four years have passed since his last post, and so today’s Jolt Country Toast is partially dedicated to his memory.

BEER: Saison Dupont

Saison, meaning “season” is often referred to as a “farmhouse beer” because it hails from the rural farmlands of Southern Belgium and is currently produced by breweries that are located on the sites of former (and occasionally working) farms.

Originally, saison beer was brewed in winter prior to the advent of modern refridgeration and were meant to slake the thirst of local field labourers as they toiled endlessly during the hot summer months and brewed upwards to a strength of 8% ABV to keep their minds off their meager, meaningless existence. Nowadays, saison beers are being brewed up throughout the entire calendar year, with many more each year being produced by American breweries (e.g., Southampton Saison, Victory V-Saison).

Well-known as one of the classic benchmark examples of the saison style, Saison Dupont comes to us from the Brasserie Dupont, located in the Wallonian region of Belgium, who’ve been in the business of churning out fine saisons since 1844. The brewery currently produces several varieties of saisons, including their Foret (an organic saison) and Bons Voeux (a saison brewed specifically with the end-of-the-year holidays in mind).

A rustic-looking, shimmering blonde body capped by a tall, rocky crest of airy foam. Already a fine aroma of white pepper, meadow flowers, and citrusy lemon peel great the nose. A delicate bready malt flavor with a touch of sweetness start things off. Lemony citrus esters marked by an adept acidity sway the taste, accompanied by a complex, peppery yeast character and just the perfect amount of hop bitterness. Overall, there’s a slight funkiness betraying its farmhouse heritage. The body of the brew is relatively light and abundant in carbonation. Finishes crisp and refreshing, with a hint of yeast and a slight citric bite. The flavors gracefully gliding across the palate and the strong bitterness culminates into a beer that’s an unrivelled thirst-quenchener.

Mmm-boy! That’s good saison.

Recommended Food Pairing: Chorizo & Roasted Poblano Quesadillas

As far as food pairings are concerned, the saison is a tremendously versatile style. In this case, the potent hop character and altogether crisp finish will not only stand up to, but also complement and contrast the chile-strewn concoctions of our very own Ben “Pinback” Parrish.

It’s perfectly normal for people to change and make new internet friends; those old websites no longer fitting in with their lifestyle anymore. A damn shame for sure, but that’s life. As they say, Matedire, you may be gone, but you’re not forgotten.

Goodbye, Matedire. We hardly knew ye.

To Matedire!! To Jolt Country!!