Pinback’s Top Ten Games of All-Time: #0
#0: Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor (2008) As I said before, this list is “genre based”, in that I tried to make sure that no basic gaming genre…
#0: Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor (2008) As I said before, this list is “genre based”, in that I tried to make sure that no basic gaming genre…
#1: Civilization IV (2005) My history with the Civilization games is checkered at best. I remember when the original first came out. I was right there in line to buy…
#2: Rollercoaster Tycoon (1999) Before there was Mall Tycoon, and Zoo Tycoon, and Crackhouse Tycoon, and Auschwitz Tycoon, there was Rollercoaster Tycoon. Let me start the review with the end…
NOTE: The game originally scheduled for this slot was CounterStrike. But then I thought, well, that’s not really fair to Half-Life, which could also be right in the same spot.…
#4: ASTEROIDS Asteroids is one of those games which gets exponentially better the better you get at it. I know this for a fact because it is one of only…
#5: WARCRAFT III I felt almost ashamed, picking up my box of WarCraft III and heading to the checkout aisle that fateful day. I had many reasons for this shame,…
#6: INFOCOM GAME (1980-) You can get all righteous and indignant about the state of gaming, our children, and our society as a whole by going on a rant about…
#7: GRAND THEFT AUTO III Perhaps the greatest testament to this game’s greatness, if you can get past the astonishing technical achievement it represented, is the fact that it might…
#8: SUPER MARIO 64 (1996) Â I can count on two (2) fingers the number of times I’ve fired up a game and had an instant sense of being overwhelmed,…
#9: NETHACK (1987) Most of the entries in this list are of the “best of genre” variety. For instance, if all you like are text adventures, your top ten are…