For many of us, Jolt Country has been the centerpiece of our internet experience. Much of it has to do with a local populace that treats each and every visitor like an old favorite friend. Some of it has to do with the entrancing mixture of soul-crushing sorrow, personal triumph, and flawlessly executed side-splitting humor provided by Ben, Robb, and many others which kept the heart of this institution beating for many years. It also helps that from time to time we were visited by SERIAL RAPISTS, Medium-Sized Bears, and bugs awaiting new keys (6-8 weeks).So, it goes without saying the upcoming END of the great Jolt Country BBS on March 31st is indeed a sobering thought for us. What really begs to be said, though, is that this sobriety is killing me. It’s fucking killing me. So I have decided to raise a glass aloft in honor of a fallen friend, and will continue to do so (drinking all the while) until that final, fateful hour.

BEER: Ten Fidy

Brewed by Oskar Blues of Lyons, Colorado, a relatively new brewery who engages in the uncommon craft beer practice of canning all their beers. Ten Fidy is their latest release, an Imperial Stout weighing in at 9.4% ABV that serves as the brewery’s winter seasonal.

What gurgles forth from the can is a thick gunky, crude oil black body sporting a dark tan head. Scents of thick blackstrap molasses and roasted grains greet the nose, followed by notes of chocolate syrup, licorice, and espresso. The beer flexes its muscles and punches you in the mouth with flavors of sweet, roasted maltiness. The flavor abounds in molasses, chocolate fudge, and fresh-brewed coffee with bittersweet smoky undertones. The long, smokey-sweet chocolate laden finish is heavenly. The beer, hefty though it may be is still exceedingly smooth, mildly carbonated, and leaves a lingering creaminess on the palate. All in all, a perfect example of an imperial stout.

Beyond Ten Fidy, the brewery’s canned line-up includes Dale’s Pale Ale, Gordon, and Old Chub.

To Jolt Country!!