Hey, it’s Knuckles again. Instead of asking questions on how to meet woman, I like to ask questions on how to deal with them after a night of awkwardily pawing and box eating.
I met two women Friday night. They were friends of my buddys girfriend. Girl#1 was of robust proportions, a good 5’11 280. Still she had the pretty face and good personality that keep some big girls from being ridiculed on a daily basis. Nice girl, a virgin too. Girl#2 was more my type except she dressed like Janine Garafolo. She had a shapleyness to her but dressed down as to not show it off. Long black hair possibly some hispanic involved. I was confident some spanish pirate has swashbuckled through the gene pool on at least one occasion in the last 500 years.
Alcohol is consumed at the bar we are all at. The alcohol had many positive effects for all. Girl#1 worked up the courage to give me her phone number, which I politeley entered into my cell phone under the heading “NEVER CALL THIS# BUT ENTER IT IN SO SHE DOESN’T FEEL BAD” even Knuckles sometimes has a heart.
After being told by the friends girfriend not to bother with Girl#2 because she likes girls, well the alcohol apparently changed all that.
I arrived at this bar at 9:00 and by 2:30 I am in bed with girl#2. We proceed to fool around fondle and grope, genitals are touched and oraly manipulated. But no intercourse is performed. We wake up at 8:00 and both of course became farmers having to go to work. Now there was a mutal attraction and I would meet this girl again for possibly a date and intercourse. BUT since the actual hook up took place at some friend of theirs house, well girl#1 was there too (we all slept there because I can’t drink and drive again for 4 years) she doesn’t know about the hook up with girl#2 because she passed out on a couch when we got there.
So now guess who has to give me a ride to where I left my car? Girl#1 (i know that doesn’t make sense, but that’s how it worked out somebody drove her car and all of us to the house we ended up at)
So the 2 girls and myself are all in the car together, I didn’t get a chance to ask #2 for her number AND I didn’t feel like asking her in front of the girl who had given me hers previously.
So I ask my buddy’s girlfreind to get the phone number for me when she sees her at work (they all work together). We’ll she’s a useless bitch, got mad at my my buddy and didn’t do it, and it’s now Thursday. This girl probably thinks I’m some sort of asshole (which I am, but don’t plan on letting her in on it till after we bang about 5 times).
Even when I fuck prostitutes I beep the horn at them if I see them on the street later that day. Like I said, sometimes even Knuckles has a heart. So I feel bad that here I have this good looking girl to roll around with for a while and I can’t even contact her to tell her much I enjoyed hooking up with her. I can probably see her Friday night at the same bar, but she will be all bent and I will have to really put on my best work to get her to hook up ever again.
So I yelled at my friends girl again to get me the damn number, my question, given the circumstances is Thursday night too late? AND do I tell her why I didn’t ask for the number in the first place? Of course asking a bunch of guys who took Lt. Uhura cutouts to their proms probably won’t help me.
So what if Thursday night *is* too late?
I mean, you call her, she’s like, “fuck you, asshole, you didn’t call me for a week, go fuck yourself with a rusty razor blade,” what have you lost? And maybe she *isn’t* going to say that. I mean, she’s a *woman* (well, I assume she is) so it’s not like you’re going to be able to have more than a wild-ass guess what *is* going on in her head.
And hey, I’d say why. “I didn’t want to make your fat friend feel bad” seems like a reasonable thing.