My cat died four months ago today. I was going to write this a month after Boggit died, but before I could, Willow died.
I was going to write this a month after Willow died, but before I could, Noelani died.
We didn’t grow up with a lot of death in our family and I am experiencing now what millions of others have. I should have taken Boggit in at two weeks and not assumed that him bouncing back with strength was just good health and not the steroids. Maybe I could have switched treatments. I would have drained my saving to put him on chemo now, easily.
But yes, I hadn’t finished grieving the premature death of my tuxedo kitty before Willow and Noelani died.
This has been the worst thing that has ever happened to me. They were beautiful. I think, aside from all the anger, the worst part is that my wife and I became “good” at our pets dying. What I mean by that is when Willow died and my wife handed her body to the vet, she didn’t support her head and it rolled backwards. When Noelani died, I made sure to cradle her head as I gave her to the vet because we’d had so much experience at this by now.
I’m going to post some photos now.


