Fallacy of Dawn
Download link #1 (direct download)
Download link #2 (From the Interactive Fiction archive)
To play Fallacy of Dawn for a Mac (OSX) or on Linux, you will need to download an interpreter program. You can get that here. (A Windows interpreter is included in the above ZIP file, just run dawn.exe to start the game.)
In a world that never quite got over the ’80s, Delarion Yar dispenses quarters for the local arcade… badly. A software pirate from better days, he’s crossed the wrong people one too many times. Locked into the city of New Haz with a criminal record, he’s reached his lowest point and he’ll do anything… to get out.
Winner of two XYZZY awards, Best Writing and Best NPC.
Nominated for seven XYZZY Awards.
IF Review Conspiracy review by Adam Thornton
Trotting Krips review by Ben Parrish
rec.games.int-fiction review by Eric Mayer
IF-Review review by Roger Carbol
Home of the Underdogs on Fallacy of Dawn
Tested by Greg D’Avis, Rob Loggie, Scott Starkey, Jonathan Blask, Randy McLellan, Peter Andersen, Rob O’Hara and Lex Gray.
Acted by Michael Sherwin, Brian Gramling, Clorinda Bancroft, Ben Parrish, Joe Mason, Chris Monahan, Jeff Kyle, Lex Gray, Jamie Byrnes, Jonathan Blask, Matthew Davis, Tammy Bancroft, Michael Bauer, Gilles Duchesne and Aaron Gold.