As of 2025, I am posting on BlueSky, and Mastodon. I do not post the same material on those sites.
Here are some articles I have written, and projects I have contributed to that came together nicely. This includes articles I have written and interviews I’ve given.
Blog Posts
In 2017 my cat Boggit was diagnosed with feline lymphoma. I wrote a series of blog posts about our journey. They are in chronological order starting here:
And If This World Runs Out of Lovers
The Pinnacle Specimen of Feline-inity
I wrote a memorial to my father and my friend Randy McLellan after they passed away.
With Sam Kabo Ashwell on Cryptozookeeper. This sort of serves as the post-mortem for Cryptozookeeper.
Gnome from Gnome’s Lair interviewed me about Cryptozookeeper as well.
With Clint Hoagland for FWONK on Cryptozookeeper.
Jason Dyer interviewed me, regarding Cryptozookeeper while it was still in development on Renga in Blue.
I have a computer game on Steam! It is Cryptozookeeper. It is a graphical text adventure. It is also available in mobile form for Android and iOS – more details here.
I run the Polybius Home Page for that old urban legend of an arcade game, Polybius.
I am one of the hosts of the text adventure critical review site called Reviews From Trotting Krips. My articles are here.
I was the producer of The Don Rogers Show. You can download the old episodes here. It is most easily described as a radio show where everyone is angrier for having been on by the end.
Speaking of podcasts, I was a guest on this episode of You Don’t Know Flack. We talked about text adventures, and some CRPGs too.
I contributed an article to the IF Theory Reader. (Link is to the electronic version.) My article is about writing NPC dialogue.
I spent about a year documenting the one hundred video games I like most. It’s now horribly out of date. The thread starts here, however, the first few pages consist of infighting and jibjab with my Internet comedy partner Pinback. The first review is here.
If you like music, I am in a band called Beaver and this is probably the song that we did that is friendliest to newcomers. It’s called A-K-Q.
An album of photos I took of my cat Frobozz.
Some other fun stuff:
I wrote about my experiences at the PAX convention, in Boston for 2009 at SPAG. I spoke with four of my text game colleagues before a roomful of people about interactive fiction, a hobby I am quite passionate about.
I wrote reviews of the games nominated for Best Writing, of the 2012 XYZZY Awards.
A review of the PC game Resident Evil 7. A review of the PC game Postal 2.
I was interviewed for the documentary Get Lamp by filmmaker Jason Scott. You can see me, fueled by about a quart of gin to ease the nervousness, in the HD trailer here. I accidentally left that jersey on the trolley in the actual city of New Orleans, during the year the Saints won the Super Bowl.
I can be contacted at robb.sherwin@gmail.com.