Jagfest 2002 report

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Re: Jagfest 2002 report

by Jizaboz » Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:12 am

Here is where we talk about AvP and Tempest 2000?

Jag DOOM sucks.

Re: Jagfest 2002 report

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:36 pm

Is this the festival that eventually became the Midwest Gaming Classic?

by Roody_Yogurt » Wed Jul 24, 2002 9:35 pm

At the midwest classic, I think it basically was the folks from http://www.goatstore.com, so I figure that you can pretty much anything available at the event straight from the web site.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 14, 2002 10:55 pm

Also -- did there seem to be a lot of vendors there? Could you pretty much buy whichever old-school system you wanted for a reasonable price?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 14, 2002 10:54 pm

Hey, I hadn't put two and two together and arrived at the fact that Jagfest and Mr Yogurt were in the same city. I really wish I'd gone -- all I did this weekend was try to stay in control of my faculties as the heat boiled away large chunks of northern Colorado.

(A side note: this is without question the worst summer I have ever experienced in my life. I know it's like this for everybody, at least in this country, but seriously, Destro and his Weather Dominator really needs to step in here. True, I don't consider the party hopping until it's below 45, but this has to suck even for people who love the heat. How anyone is making it through this in Arizona or Nevada without bursting into flame is just beyond me.)

I downloaded a few docs on 2600 programming last night. The jist of the advice people seem to be able to give is like this:

2) Learn 6502 Assembly Programming language.
3) Write it for like three years in a non-2600 environment.
4) Write your little game, now, buddy
5) Normally the last tic would be "Profit" but as you're writing a 2600 game you won't do that. See #1.

But I don't care. I'm giving myself a year to get a game finished so I can go to Jagfest and not have to hang my head.

by Roody_Yogurt » Sun Jul 14, 2002 7:02 pm

I feel I should mention that my midwest Atari Jaguar fest experience wasn't entirely different. I mean, it was neat in a way but it also had you saying, 'some of these guys came from Japan for THIS?!?' I was there maybe a half hour to an hour before the thing was officially over; there was a bunch of guys trying unsuccessfully to get some sort of multiplayer hookup going (they were having a tournament for some space shoot-em-up game).
So it was weird to see it so low-key, but I'd still go again if it continues to be held in Milwaukee.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:54 pm

You didn't end up being the only attendee there, right? I mean, more people eventually came?


I'd really like to get a second generation Intellivision. The thing is, though, that if memory serves you couldn't remove the controllers. We went through one of the controllers in our first Intellivision in three or four years or whatever, and after a long layoff bought one that just had "INTV" or something on it. A controller on that eventually died, too, so it went down to the cellar and never escaped.

Now, of course, the thought of selling a system without being able to make a fortunte on controllers would cause Hiroshi and Kenny Kutaragi to fall flat over dead. Er, anyway, please somebody pipe up if it's possible to add a new controller to an Intellivision.

I need to buy a Saturn, too. Mine was broken by the fucks at UPS when I mailed it from Rochester to Fort Collins.

Jagfest 2002 report

by bruce » Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:44 pm

Summary: fun, but kind of pathetic.

I've never had a whole convention to myself before.

But I did today.

Other than the exhibitors and the organizers, I was the *ONLY* attendee. Which means the only paying attendee, and I gotta say I didn't really get my $18 worth.

But I did pick up an Intellivision in really good shape for $35, and a Pitfall 2 for the Atari, and a Laser Blast for the Atari, and DK, Burgertime, Sea Battle, and AD&D for the Intellivision. Total cost for that was $58. Plus I got some people to play FOTR, and I met J.T. August who is a bigger nerd than I am. So all in all it was a fun but sort of sad day. Now if you'll excuse me.


P.S. I just played some Burgertime and developed a distressing habit to mutter "maggot" when my little chef got killed. I suspect it was something subliminal because he was dying a HORRIBLE DEATH BY WIENER.
