by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat May 18, 2019 7:32 pm
Is ON HOLD. I hooked four games up - Elevator Action, Ms. Pac-Man, Mappy and the JAMMA cab and turned the power on and somehow blew all the fuses in my garage.
So I'm gonna need all of you who have garages yourselves to send me a fuse. Come on, you're not drawing THAT much power and I want to know the fuses are good.
Is ON HOLD. I hooked four games up - Elevator Action, Ms. Pac-Man, Mappy and the JAMMA cab and turned the power on and somehow blew all the fuses in my garage.
So I'm gonna need all of you who have garages yourselves to send me a fuse. Come on, you're not drawing THAT much power and I want to know the fuses are good.