by The Happiness Engine » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:32 pm
A wine fridge's minimum temperature is usually something like 55F, so maybe not the greatest for ice. It IS great for: (red) wine, scotch, or cognac however! Anything you'd like to keep a bit cooler than the room, but not put ice in. UPDATE: oh, you mean an ice bucket ON TOP OUTSIDE the wine fridge. Yeah, that works, but be aware the fridge will need to be vented otherwise you're just cooking the ice during your party and will have to re-fill it more often. You could then make the left side mass-storage for airplane bottles because you know what DOES meet the TSA's "3-1-1" rule is a fukken' quart ziploc stuffed full of airplane bottles. Really enhances the entire airport experience.
Being surprisingly un-fancy at home, I recommend Some Guy's 20 minute rule: keep your white wine in the refrigerator, and let it warm up on the counter for 20 minutes before serving. For reds, reverse it: keep your wine on the counter and refrigerate. What I do is use my hand to warm white wine in the glass until I like it, and drop an ice cube in my red wine then let it warm to where I like it.
Some Guy is apparently Mark Phillips, and let me tell you his DVD/PBS Special where he slowly gets a bunch of 90s housefraus DRUNK is hilarious while really helping not only demystify but provide practical advice to wine dilemmas. (Slightly diluted merlot is better than too warm merlot! Keep air off open bottles by storing in smaller water bottles or just straight-up pour in a ziploc and freeze it! pour red wine directly from the fridge and just microwave it for 5-10 seconds!) And a good story about once buying a bottle of wine so expensive he couldn't enjoy it, at one point trying to squeeze some of a spill out of the tablecloth back into the glass.
A wine fridge's minimum temperature is usually something like 55F, so maybe not the greatest for ice. It IS great for: (red) wine, scotch, or cognac however! Anything you'd like to keep a bit cooler than the room, but not put ice in. UPDATE: oh, you mean an ice bucket ON TOP OUTSIDE the wine fridge. Yeah, that works, but be aware the fridge will need to be vented otherwise you're just cooking the ice during your party and will have to re-fill it more often. You could then make the left side mass-storage for airplane bottles because you know what DOES meet the TSA's "3-1-1" rule is a fukken' quart ziploc stuffed full of airplane bottles. Really enhances the entire airport experience.
Being surprisingly un-fancy at home, I recommend Some Guy's 20 minute rule: keep your white wine in the refrigerator, and let it warm up on the counter for 20 minutes before serving. For reds, reverse it: keep your wine on the counter and refrigerate. What I [i]do[/i] is use my hand to warm white wine in the glass until I like it, and drop an ice cube in my red wine then let it warm to where I like it.
Some Guy is apparently Mark Phillips, and let me tell you his DVD/PBS Special where he slowly gets a bunch of 90s housefraus DRUNK is hilarious while really helping not only demystify but provide practical advice to wine dilemmas. (Slightly diluted merlot is better than too warm merlot! Keep air off open bottles by storing in smaller water bottles or just straight-up pour in a ziploc and freeze it! pour red wine directly from the fridge and just microwave it for 5-10 seconds!) And a good story about once buying a bottle of wine so expensive he couldn't enjoy it, at one point trying to squeeze some of a spill out of the tablecloth back into the glass.