by Tdarcos » Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:19 pm
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:27 pm
About 1 second later I realize that’s a fucking bug. We call them “water bugs” out here but resemble a black roach longer than my index finger. You could probably make an appetizer out of this thing.
What’s the biggest bug you’ve had to deal with?
About 41 years ago, my family was traveling and stopped at a motel in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our next-door neighbor is the Coca -Cola bottling plant. We were unloading the car to put stuff in the room, including our two dogs. One of them, a mixed breed named Bridget, ran straight for the cage containing the motel owner's birds (I'm guessing she saw them as a quick snack.) Anyway, we drag her away (we didn't have her on a leash, she's normally very well-behaved.)
The next thing she noticed was what I guess you would call a water bug but I just figured it was a typical large cockroach. Typical Texas or New Mexico Jumbo sized. Probably the size of a grown man's thumb. May have been black, I don't remember. I do remember that Bridget goes over, takes a sniff of the "insect of unusual size" and goes "slurp."
Scratch one jumbo roach. My mother is trying to stop her, saying "Bridget, give me that." Meanwhile, Bridget is enjoying her tasty treat. You can hear the roach cracking as she chews away on it, she's smacking her lips, her tongue licking them as she's wagging her tail. I gather it was delicious as Bridget was looking for more.
[quote=Jizaboz post_id=103461 time=1568780841 user_id=910]
About 1 second later I realize that’s a fucking bug. We call them “water bugs” out here but resemble a black roach longer than my index finger. You could probably make an appetizer out of this thing.
What’s the biggest bug you’ve had to deal with?
About 41 years ago, my family was traveling and stopped at a motel in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our next-door neighbor is the Coca -Cola bottling plant. We were unloading the car to put stuff in the room, including our two dogs. One of them, a mixed breed named Bridget, ran straight for the cage containing the motel owner's birds (I'm guessing she saw them as a quick snack.) Anyway, we drag her away (we didn't have her on a leash, she's normally very well-behaved.)
The next thing she noticed was what I guess you would call a water bug but I just figured it was a typical large cockroach. Typical Texas or New Mexico Jumbo sized. Probably the size of a grown man's thumb. May have been black, I don't remember. I do remember that Bridget goes over, takes a sniff of the "insect of unusual size" and goes "slurp."
Scratch one jumbo roach. My mother is trying to stop her, saying "Bridget, give me that." Meanwhile, Bridget is enjoying her tasty treat. You can hear the roach cracking as she chews away on it, she's smacking her lips, her tongue licking them as she's wagging her tail. I gather it was delicious as Bridget was looking for more.