by Casual Observer » Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:54 pm
Just thought I'd mention a great diet plan I've used to lose almost 40lbs, 4 inches off my waistline over the last year, retreated from previous "pre-diabetes" situation, and lowered my blood pressure to an almost normal level without using a stitch of self control.
I think it's something that most JC'ers can get behind (except Paul, which is a real shame). It's hardly new, I've seen it referenced in many movies I've seen but certainly worked for me. It's called the: Drink. A. Lot. plan. Basically, I drank enough to cause myself to start having IBS and acid indigestion to the point where I could hardly eat anything. You're going to need hard alcohol for this, beer and wine have too many calories.
I had to go some days fasting and other times could only ingest things like stoned wheat thins crackers or $.99 ramen noodles. Fatty foods like fast food, itallian food, mexican shit, etc. became unpalatable to me and I have seen my once ample belly shrink to the point where my 2X shirts are starting to look like skirts. I've gone from 2X shirts to L shirts and the corresponding self esteem is incredible. (I've also quit smoking pot, vaping, and almost all coffee so also have more breath and energy but that's not relevant to dieting). Now that I've renewed relations with my old friend "Moderation", my stomach is mostly back to normal, my acid reflux is almost completely gone and I've been able to get back to a more normal eating habit. I do heartily recommend "Zegrid" which is an ingenious combination of Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate, the Sodium bicarbonate changes the stomach's ph balance to not destroy the Omeprazole before it does it's magic.
A lingering benefit is that even the thought of most fast food (the big 4, McD, BK, Wendys, TacoBell) still turns my stomach. The work is no way complete, theres still a paunch of belly fat to work on but that will take the demon exercise and the worst thing in the world, sit ups, to get gone. I mention this plan because I'm aware that JC'ers aren't mostly teetotalers so this could potentially be an option to get a jump start on getting toward a healthy weight.
Just thought I'd mention a great diet plan I've used to lose almost 40lbs, 4 inches off my waistline over the last year, retreated from previous "pre-diabetes" situation, and lowered my blood pressure to an almost normal level without using a stitch of self control.
I think it's something that most JC'ers can get behind (except Paul, which is a real shame). It's hardly new, I've seen it referenced in many movies I've seen but certainly worked for me. It's called the: Drink. A. Lot. plan. Basically, I drank enough to cause myself to start having IBS and acid indigestion to the point where I could hardly eat anything. You're going to need hard alcohol for this, beer and wine have too many calories.
I had to go some days fasting and other times could only ingest things like stoned wheat thins crackers or $.99 ramen noodles. Fatty foods like fast food, itallian food, mexican shit, etc. became unpalatable to me and I have seen my once ample belly shrink to the point where my 2X shirts are starting to look like skirts. I've gone from 2X shirts to L shirts and the corresponding self esteem is incredible. (I've also quit smoking pot, vaping, and almost all coffee so also have more breath and energy but that's not relevant to dieting). Now that I've renewed relations with my old friend "Moderation", my stomach is mostly back to normal, my acid reflux is almost completely gone and I've been able to get back to a more normal eating habit. I do heartily recommend "Zegrid" which is an ingenious combination of Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate, the Sodium bicarbonate changes the stomach's ph balance to not destroy the Omeprazole before it does it's magic.
A lingering benefit is that even the thought of most fast food (the big 4, McD, BK, Wendys, TacoBell) still turns my stomach. The work is no way complete, theres still a paunch of belly fat to work on but that will take the demon exercise and the worst thing in the world, sit ups, to get gone. I mention this plan because I'm aware that JC'ers aren't mostly teetotalers so this could potentially be an option to get a jump start on getting toward a healthy weight.