Happy Birthday, CO!

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Re: Happy Birthday, CO!

by Jizaboz » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:36 pm

Happy birthday brah

Re: Happy Birthday, CO!

by Casual Observer » Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:13 pm

Thanks so much man. No, I don't get angry about anything here and love reading your posts. I don't have many real world friends, mostly my wife and a few former college buddies and I hate almost everything else on the internet so I consider this site very much a part of my social network, having read some of you guys' posts for almost 2 decades. My job involves talking to dozens of strangers a day leaving me wept and not even wanting to listen to my wife talk but I always enjoy mew posts from most everyone here (thank god Billy is gone).

Happy Birthday, CO!

by bryanb » Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:40 pm

Casual Observer thought he could confine his Jolt Country birthday celebrations to the Great Moments in Computer Programming thread. HE WAS WRONG! Happy birthday dude. I just wanted you to know that we care just as much about you as Bing and Grubhub and possibly more than the Sawmill Creek Woodworking Community. Are you doing anything special today or just selling and chilling?

I have to admit that CO and I got off to a bit of a rough start as I may have implied he was an asshole in our first ever JC conversation, but he's become a good, albeit casual, board friend now. Or at least I like to think so -- it's not like I ever apologized or anything and he could very well be boiling over in secret resentment. That's exactly the dynamic that makes for an interesting happy birthday thread!
