The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

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Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Tdarcos » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:43 pm

pinback wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:58 am If you eat the entire bag, that will ensure that there are no more Doritos around, so you will no longer be tempted. That's the only sensible choice.
"Get thee behind us, Satan." But leave the bag in front of us.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Tdarcos » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:42 pm

RealNC wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:11 pm Any advice? I have this huge bag of Doritos in the cabinet. I swear to god, it is talking to me. I'm not joking, I can actually hear it whispering to me in a very sensual female voice.
As someone who does not believe in anything supernatural, trust me, itr's the Voice of Satan, trying to tempt you into committing betrayal for 30 pieces of Cool Ranch.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:18 pm

Agreed on all counts.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Casual Observer » Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:33 am

Pinback wrote:But after you start having success, which you will, and you stick to the other two points, you will enjoy the feeling of not being hungry more than any flavor that might pass your lips. The simple act of existing peacefully without hunger will become your greatest joy, and source of strength.
One thing I've gotten out of my period of not being able to eat that much due to drinking but has persisted now that I've returned to "normal" is that I've learned to actually enjoy the feeling of being hungry. Somehow I've trained my brain that the hunger feeling is a good one and to embrace it. So much so that when I watch movies where the person is in some kind of bind or just got lost in the wilderness and the first thing they absolutely have to do is find some food, I say "bullshit". You can go for weeks without eating as long as you have water. In fact, one 400+lb man in the UK went an entire year without eating to lose weight, he drank juice and ate vitimins and was just fine. Apparently he still farted and shit like a a champ for some reason (there's a whole article about this somewhere).
Pinback wrote:I've eliminated eating, other than dinner (cuz I eat with my family and it'd be weird not to), and two specific items. If I wake up hungry, I'll have a half cup of oatmeal, and if I'm hungry during the day, I'll have an apple. Other than that, for lunch and an afternoon snack I enjoy
YES! This is exactly my routine most days. I prefer grits though, having grown up largely in the south (instant are fine though, I don't know what the pickiness is with those people). When I'm working at home I never eat lunch but when I'm working in the office I do because I have to get out of there and enjoy the California weather just for a little bit.

The biggest benefit of hardly eating is you actually don't want to eat as much. I don't know if it's what some people say that "you shrunk your stomach" or what but somehow automatically the portions I want are smaller.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:58 am

If you eat the entire bag, that will ensure that there are no more Doritos around, so you will no longer be tempted. That's the only sensible choice.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by RealNC » Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:11 pm

Any advice? I have this huge bag of Doritos in the cabinet. I swear to god, it is talking to me. I'm not joking, I can actually hear it whispering to me in a very sensual female voice.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:48 pm

You still doing OK in all this, CGG?

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by ChainGangGuy » Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:16 pm

He flattened his curves.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Billy Mays » Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:11 pm

Soylent Goo is PEOPLE!!!!!

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:59 am

I've eliminated eating, other than dinner (cuz I eat with my family and it'd be weird not to), and two specific items. If I wake up hungry, I'll have a half cup of oatmeal, and if I'm hungry during the day, I'll have an apple. Other than that, for lunch and an afternoon snack I enjoy:


These are fine, nutritious goos that I would recommend to anyone.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:22 am

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by AArdvark » Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:19 am

Meditation would help right now.

What's that from? The I hate this place nothing works here thing. I've heard it before somewhere but don't know

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:21 am

Can we split this post so only the original monologue exists? I hate this place. Nothing works here.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Billy Mays » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:48 am

pinback wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:12 am I cannot have imagined this thread going worse.
Well, here you go then...

Tdarcos wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:51 pmG. Gordon Liddy told on his radio show how the CIA trained him how to take a pack of cigarettes and extract the nicotine, as it would provide enough pure nicotine that if it was injected into a target, it would kill them.
I don't understand a situation where you would have access to the lab equipment necessary to do this, but not a baseball sized rock which is about as conspicuous as a syringe?

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:12 am

I cannot have imagined this thread going worse.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Jizaboz » Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:40 pm

As a nicotine addict I agree. I quit smoking cigarettes almost 2 years ago, but man is it hard to put down the vape.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Tdarcos » Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:51 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:28 pm Particularly, if you can do it without the nicotine gum, that's probably better, as it is expensive, and I'm guessing addictive.
Actually, nicotine is both poisonous and addictive. How poisonous? G. Gordon Liddy told on his radio show how the CIA trained him how to take a pack of cigarettes and extract the nicotine, as it would provide enough pure nicotine that if it was injected into a target, it would kill them.

However, in doing research on this, I discovered the commonly accepted lethal dose for an adult human of 60mg is probably untrue (as too low) as some smokers receive more than 60mg of nicotine in a single day, and I suspect Liddy never actually used the method as a means of assassination.

Some claim the lethal amount of nicotine for an adult human is more like 500mg or 1 gram. Even at that, it's still pretty lethal, for example, one gram of sugar is about 1/5 of a teaspoon. For comparison, the lethal dose of strychnine (rat poison) for an adult human is about 6 grams.

As for addictive, what I have heard is it's more addictive than heroin. In fact, when you smoke, nicotine gets into the bloodstream, and within seconds of the first puff, reaches the brain and triggers pleasure receptors (think of a key turning a lock) to release dopamine, producing euphoria. But it doesn't last long, whereupon your brain's receptors are crying out (more like screaming) for more nicotine, and the longer you smoke, the more receptors that want nicotine, thus it bcomes harder to quit.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Tdarcos » Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:39 pm

pinback wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 1:20 pm Here we see a giant, once-lumbering, now-immobile walrus of a man explaining to someone who has lost 100 pounds why his plan is a bad one and will not work.
Please do not try to put your... words in my mouth, as I did not say it would not work, I just said I thought a few of the things (like skipping breakfast) and not eating healthy were not a good idea. It is possible to lose weight through improper means that does bad things to your body.

I would categoically predict no doctor has approved your diet method as you have not consulted one on this matter.

Please discontinue further attempts to put your words in my mouth, as I am not a wordsucker.

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by pinback » Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:28 pm

Real quick, let me clarify here: This is not me suggesting my plan as a good one, or that anyone else should consider it, even if weight-loss is a goal of theirs. It is one that has worked for me, and as such I thought it might be useful or interesting for those who might take use or interest of such things.

Particularly, if you can do it without the nicotine gum, that's probably better, as it is expensive, and I'm guessing addictive.

The bananas and peanuts, though, that's gold, Jerry. Proteins, sugars, fats, carbs, vitamins, potassium? You're ready to go!

Re: The Pinback Weight Loss Plan

by Casual Observer » Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:02 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 1:15 pm Several points.

1. Your focus on diet is correct. If one drinks a typical milkshake, having about 800 calories, you can't exercise enough to burn off the calories that packs on. Well, you could, but we're talking about 90 minutes of continuous vigorous exercize like running or jogging. And that's just for one shake. Take a typical meal at McDonalds: Big Mac, fries and a shake, and we're talking a whopping 2,000 calories, the recommended entire daily intake for an adult. Continue on that kind of diet and you could be consuming 6,000 calories a day. Which to burn off the 4,000 excess would require 8 1/2 hours of continuous vigorous exercise, in which case you wouldn't have to worry about gaining weight, as your fat ass would be dead of a heart attack!

2. You should reverse breakfast and lunch. It's said that those who eat breakfast tend to eat less than those who skip breakfast.

3. Your choice of things to consume does not sound to me like a proper diet. Bananas and peanuts as your first meal of the day does not sound like anything proper to eat as something providing you with proper nutrition.

4. Drugging yourself to suppress appetite. Your body cries out for food for one of two reasons: either you have normal hunger from a reasonable healthy diet, or you've put yourself on a diet of "toxic food" (see the example meal from item #1) and your body is going through withdrawal for the chemicals with which they process food. You would notice which you have when hunger is not your stomach saying "Oh, by the way, you need to eat sometime in the near future, just a reminder," and instead it's more like "I'M STARVING HUNGRY AND I NEED TO EAT RIGHT FUCKING NOW! I NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE NOW! NOW, GODDAMMIT, NOW!"

Now taking drugs that suppress appetite can reduce hunger, it does not change your body's basic needs. There are various vitamins and minerals, plus 8 essential amino acids that your body cannot synthesize (manufacture on its own from oher foods) but must get through diet. There are probably a lot of people with full bellies but are suffering from malnutrition. Witness the increased number of lifestyle-triggered diseases we succumb to: cancer, heart disease, obesity, stroke and others.
Wait, where do the pork patties fit into your plan?
