by James Bond » Mon Jul 07, 2003 1:00 am
Okay, I understand, I was just bringing it up, 'sall. As for feedback, well, I really am not picky. I'm basically looking for something that could actually kickstart the *plot* of the story. I've got a zillion gimmics, but no plot to tie them in with. Oh, and see post #5 for more ideas of mine, if you please.
My mind has a really strange way of (A) stringing a bunch of seemingly-unrelated details together into a thought process that other people would find completely
insane, and laching onto completely random thoughts for no good reason. So one day I was walking downtown when it began to get so rainy that I was
fairly sure that a thunderstorm would soon follow. I mean, it went from pree-sunset glow to almost completely fucking dark in like fifteen minutes. That
shit is extreeeeemme. (for the record, a thunderstorm did not occur, much to my intense disappointment--where I live they are uncommon to the point of
being freak weather events.)
I began thinking of the Stephen King short story "The Mist". You may have heard of it. It is in the short story collection
"Skeleton Crew", along with "The Monkey" and "The raft" and "silver bullet" and other horrendously-disturbing tales, and has been published on its own
as well as made into a radio play that was actually not bad if you ignore the fact that the swear words are completely removed ("the windows are just plate
glass." "holy sh... we'd better go get Norton." "ho, sheesus! Up to last week we had those barbecue lighters!") which i am willing to ignore--its radio,
for gods sake--and the incredibly commical way the characters are compelled to describe the creatures they're about to get killed by to no one ("certainly
not an ordinary spider its something larger not, maybe, maybe not even a spider at all--aaah! Aaaah Aaaaaaahhhhh!!") which I am not willing to ignore.
Anyway, its about a group of people who got trapped in a grocery store after a bank of unrealistically-impenitrable fog encloses them in one day after
a big storm. But this is not normal fog, of course. Oh no, *this* is *monster-generating* fog. Inside the treacherous mist roam gigantic spiders the size
of dogs (Nemesis flashback! PJ FLASHBACK! AAAAIAAUUUAAGGHHH!!), [... Don't ask. *DON'T* *ASK*.] tiny insectile pink wormlike things, huge pteradactle-like bird things with leathery wings
(said leathery wings, I believe, get approximately six lines more description than the main character's wife), huge tentacles that leadd to god alone knows
where and have acidic suckers--like the acid in the spiderwebs, huge things with six legs the heighth of telephone poles with a bunch of the pink things
(TM) clinging to them, and many more that aren't mentioned. They also seem to be hanging around the store for unknown reasons, as whenever someone ventures
outside they are attacked in no less than five whole minutes (and I'm talkin' at *most* here, folks). Also, the power is out due to the afore-mentioned
storm. This is good because the automatic doors ("these stupid automatic doors, I thought they were automatic!") politely refuse to open for the creatures,
and bad because a lot of the food there is spoiling. If you're curious (which you're not), the main character ends up gathering up a group of "hard-bitten
survivors" (I.E: not the ones who refuse to believe the stories of weird creatures (they are killed within the first fifteen minutes, "nach"), the religeous
nuts, the Screaming Useless Bitches (TM)) including the store manager (who refuses to leave the store--talk about dedication. Jesus.), the main character, the main character's kid, the main character's swiftly-discovered
banger (he does her on the first, possibly second, night. Jesus *Christ*. "I've seen a pile of those sleeping pallots in the manager's office. Its empty. There's a lock on the door. Whaaaat? I saw you looking at me like that..." *twitchtwitch*), a guy with a shotgun in his trunk, an elderly woman (but this is the actually
useful kind of old lady--the kind that will break your arm three times if you look at her wrong), the assistant manager of the store who somehow manages
to be the best shot in the store ("I did a little target shooting in Nam.") and probably a couple others I forgot make a break for the main character's
car. They make it, of course, and go to the main characters home--oops, the road's been blocked by trees! Guess the wife's gone, time to bang Amanda! Twitch, TWITCH.
So they start heading south, the end, haw haw. But I digress.
I started thinking "what would it be like to be stuck in a farmacy or a grocery store? I
mean, how could you consider it to be a bad thing? The main staple and motivation that gets characters to move out of their safe hiding place and get severely
fucked over in survival horror, food and drink and a place to sleep, are well taken care of. And unless the store manager was a complete and total loser
dickhead prick, it'd probably be something along the lines of "free coke for all! W00t!"
And, while thus absorbed in this thought pattern, (I was walking
under the overhanging roof of the buildings to avoid the rain) I promptly ran smack dab into a big-ass post used to hold up the roof. Something about the
stinging *smack* of the hit gave me the at the time a highly amusing image that the post had just bitchslapped me. This vanished instantly, replaced by a bit of
thought "... if that building was alive, that post would be *perfect* for a foot it could use to punt people, cars, small buildings..." And, of course,
I ran into another post. A long and quite possibly crowd-pleasing flood of profanity, naturally, ensued. But that is beside the point. I started thinking
"Wouldn't it *totally fucking rock* if, somehow, a building that was going to be torn down to make way for a housing development became sencient, and not
being oh so fond of the idea, decided to rip itself out of its own foundation and storm in a richeously pissed manner down to the local zoning office and
start with some puntin', Godzilla-style, completely obliterating everything in its path?" My response to this question was a resounding "*yes*." Your milage
may vary. Thus, I decided to make a book with that at the end of it.
A couple weeks later I was watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (King
Dinosaur, if you're interested, which of course your not) and during the fifteen-minute long safety film that was being made fun of, which existed of a
car driver getting put on trial by god after he got in a car accident and died and is goofily obsurd, I started thinking in my warped way... what if hell,
although its terrible and evil and in general a not nice place to be, wasn't all it was cracked up to be as far as enforcement and security was concerned?
Who *says* that the devil is in fact a huge demon with... leathery wings..., a forked tongue (that basteech is *so* ripping off Revenger, muthafuckeh),
and can breathe fire out of his nostrels? What if he's a slightly pompous and overweight, but other than that, perfectly normal demon who just happens
to be The Man (TM)? What if, in short, Hell was designed much like a present-day office block, with a whole bunch of "lesser demons" running around, doing
the devil's bidding, and all of that "I am the manj who can singlehandedly torch the entire world, assjacks!" is simply devil PR designed to make you not
attack him? I mean, if you knew that Hell was a well-organized and heavily-fortified area but with one man at the top, you would want to organize and defeat
him, whereas if you think that the devil is one man who can basically do whatever the fuck he wants to, Timmy, you seriously do not want to fuck with the
So, as my brain continued to rationalize, he has a bunch of his lesser demons go, taking whatever shape they will including none at all, into the
world and causing a certain quota of "bad things" (TM) to happen. Certain kinds of catastrophes give more "points" than others, therefore an earthquake
that makes the rictor scale yell "What's the point anymore!!!" and self-destruct will be far more valuable than, say, a car crash. If the demon fails
to meet his quota someone else will have to take up his slack and perform *more* evil deeds than he normally would have to, which makes the other demons
mad at the first one that they had to work harder, and thus the code is enforced. A couple details I thought up: this explains how (no facts can back this
up but bare with me) there were no car crashes or tornados durring the Vietnam War. The demon running the war was doing such a good job that the others
basically said "aw screw this, I'm takin' a day off" until the Vietnam war guy got verry verry pissed about the whole afair and ended it so he could finally
get some goddamn piece.
The demons, if they wish to be seen, will take the form of a busness executive/polititian (sharkskin suit, flinty eyes, you know the look). This is ue to
a careful studdy of today's culture. Demons, no matter how they try, can't quite get the whole human appearance thing down quite right; there's always
an aura around them that makes people uneasy. Therefore, since they can't hide it they cammoflage the effect by taking a slightly-unsettling form, ergo
anyone off-put by their aura of wrong will think "he's a polititian, that's why I get this instinctive feeling not to trust him."
A *nother* few weeks later, I suddenly and for no reason at all that I can come up with got the sudden image of an elivator saying "Level, five. Now, get
the fuck out of my elivator!", the floor under the hapless travolor heaving upwards and throwing him out into the hallway.
Then, like an orgasm... IT HAPPENED!! [disclaimer: the following and proceeding post is nothing more than a highly-disguised excuse to use the previous
phrase. Thank you.] I was trying to figure out how to actually write this shit into a story, wheen I got the crazy idea "Why don't you combine them?"
So, I've now got the idea that a demon, in one of his "evil acts", telepathically inserts the instructions for how to give an inanimate object "life" (and
not undead life, but a real personality) to some highly-distraught guy, who decides for whatever reason that he wants to hex the hotel he's somehow involved
in building, and promptly does so. (this is because one of the few rules that everyone is forced to abide by is that you simply do not fuck around with
free will.) Hilarity, naturally, ensues. But, yet again, I ran into that metaforical brick wall yet *again*. Because, quite frankly, I don't have a plot.
I've got several ideas, and I've got a premise that I think could work, but I have no fucking clue whatsoever what to do with it.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything? Anything at all? Hellooooo? Pleeeeease?
...I'm done! I'm done! Yee-motherfucking-haw! ...Ahem.
Okay, I understand, I was just bringing it up, 'sall. As for feedback, well, I really am not picky. I'm basically looking for something that could actually kickstart the *plot* of the story. I've got a zillion gimmics, but no plot to tie them in with. Oh, and see post #5 for more ideas of mine, if you please.
My mind has a really strange way of (A) stringing a bunch of seemingly-unrelated details together into a thought process that other people would find completely
insane, and laching onto completely random thoughts for no good reason. So one day I was walking downtown when it began to get so rainy that I was
fairly sure that a thunderstorm would soon follow. I mean, it went from pree-sunset glow to almost completely fucking dark in like fifteen minutes. That
shit is extreeeeemme. (for the record, a thunderstorm did not occur, much to my intense disappointment--where I live they are uncommon to the point of
being freak weather events.)
I began thinking of the Stephen King short story "The Mist". You may have heard of it. It is in the short story collection
"Skeleton Crew", along with "The Monkey" and "The raft" and "silver bullet" and other horrendously-disturbing tales, and has been published on its own
as well as made into a radio play that was actually not bad if you ignore the fact that the swear words are completely removed ("the windows are just plate
glass." "holy sh... we'd better go get Norton." "ho, sheesus! Up to last week we had those barbecue lighters!") which i am willing to ignore--its radio,
for gods sake--and the incredibly commical way the characters are compelled to describe the creatures they're about to get killed by to no one ("certainly
not an ordinary spider its something larger not, maybe, maybe not even a spider at all--aaah! Aaaah Aaaaaaahhhhh!!") which I am not willing to ignore.
Anyway, its about a group of people who got trapped in a grocery store after a bank of unrealistically-impenitrable fog encloses them in one day after
a big storm. But this is not normal fog, of course. Oh no, *this* is *monster-generating* fog. Inside the treacherous mist roam gigantic spiders the size
of dogs (Nemesis flashback! PJ FLASHBACK! AAAAIAAUUUAAGGHHH!!), [... Don't ask. *DON'T* *ASK*.] tiny insectile pink wormlike things, huge pteradactle-like bird things with leathery wings
(said leathery wings, I believe, get approximately six lines more description than the main character's wife), huge tentacles that leadd to god alone knows
where and have acidic suckers--like the acid in the spiderwebs, huge things with six legs the heighth of telephone poles with a bunch of the pink things
(TM) clinging to them, and many more that aren't mentioned. They also seem to be hanging around the store for unknown reasons, as whenever someone ventures
outside they are attacked in no less than five whole minutes (and I'm talkin' at *most* here, folks). Also, the power is out due to the afore-mentioned
storm. This is good because the automatic doors ("these stupid automatic doors, I thought they were automatic!") politely refuse to open for the creatures,
and bad because a lot of the food there is spoiling. If you're curious (which you're not), the main character ends up gathering up a group of "hard-bitten
survivors" (I.E: not the ones who refuse to believe the stories of weird creatures (they are killed within the first fifteen minutes, "nach"), the religeous
nuts, the Screaming Useless Bitches (TM)) including the store manager (who refuses to leave the store--talk about dedication. Jesus.), the main character, the main character's kid, the main character's swiftly-discovered
banger (he does her on the first, possibly second, night. Jesus *Christ*. "I've seen a pile of those sleeping pallots in the manager's office. Its empty. There's a lock on the door. Whaaaat? I saw you looking at me like that..." *twitchtwitch*), a guy with a shotgun in his trunk, an elderly woman (but this is the actually
useful kind of old lady--the kind that will break your arm three times if you look at her wrong), the assistant manager of the store who somehow manages
to be the best shot in the store ("I did a little target shooting in Nam.") and probably a couple others I forgot make a break for the main character's
car. They make it, of course, and go to the main characters home--oops, the road's been blocked by trees! Guess the wife's gone, time to bang Amanda! Twitch, TWITCH.
So they start heading south, the end, haw haw. But I digress.
I started thinking "what would it be like to be stuck in a farmacy or a grocery store? I
mean, how could you consider it to be a bad thing? The main staple and motivation that gets characters to move out of their safe hiding place and get severely
fucked over in survival horror, food and drink and a place to sleep, are well taken care of. And unless the store manager was a complete and total loser
dickhead prick, it'd probably be something along the lines of "free coke for all! W00t!"
And, while thus absorbed in this thought pattern, (I was walking
under the overhanging roof of the buildings to avoid the rain) I promptly ran smack dab into a big-ass post used to hold up the roof. Something about the
stinging *smack* of the hit gave me the at the time a highly amusing image that the post had just bitchslapped me. This vanished instantly, replaced by a bit of
thought "... if that building was alive, that post would be *perfect* for a foot it could use to punt people, cars, small buildings..." And, of course,
I ran into another post. A long and quite possibly crowd-pleasing flood of profanity, naturally, ensued. But that is beside the point. I started thinking
"Wouldn't it *totally fucking rock* if, somehow, a building that was going to be torn down to make way for a housing development became sencient, and not
being oh so fond of the idea, decided to rip itself out of its own foundation and storm in a richeously pissed manner down to the local zoning office and
start with some puntin', Godzilla-style, completely obliterating everything in its path?" My response to this question was a resounding "*yes*." Your milage
may vary. Thus, I decided to make a book with that at the end of it.
A couple weeks later I was watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (King
Dinosaur, if you're interested, which of course your not) and during the fifteen-minute long safety film that was being made fun of, which existed of a
car driver getting put on trial by god after he got in a car accident and died and is goofily obsurd, I started thinking in my warped way... what if hell,
although its terrible and evil and in general a not nice place to be, wasn't all it was cracked up to be as far as enforcement and security was concerned?
Who *says* that the devil is in fact a huge demon with... leathery wings..., a forked tongue (that basteech is *so* ripping off Revenger, muthafuckeh),
and can breathe fire out of his nostrels? What if he's a slightly pompous and overweight, but other than that, perfectly normal demon who just happens
to be The Man (TM)? What if, in short, Hell was designed much like a present-day office block, with a whole bunch of "lesser demons" running around, doing
the devil's bidding, and all of that "I am the manj who can singlehandedly torch the entire world, assjacks!" is simply devil PR designed to make you not
attack him? I mean, if you knew that Hell was a well-organized and heavily-fortified area but with one man at the top, you would want to organize and defeat
him, whereas if you think that the devil is one man who can basically do whatever the fuck he wants to, Timmy, you seriously do not want to fuck with the
So, as my brain continued to rationalize, he has a bunch of his lesser demons go, taking whatever shape they will including none at all, into the
world and causing a certain quota of "bad things" (TM) to happen. Certain kinds of catastrophes give more "points" than others, therefore an earthquake
that makes the rictor scale yell "What's the point anymore!!!" and self-destruct will be far more valuable than, say, a car crash. If the demon fails
to meet his quota someone else will have to take up his slack and perform *more* evil deeds than he normally would have to, which makes the other demons
mad at the first one that they had to work harder, and thus the code is enforced. A couple details I thought up: this explains how (no facts can back this
up but bare with me) there were no car crashes or tornados durring the Vietnam War. The demon running the war was doing such a good job that the others
basically said "aw screw this, I'm takin' a day off" until the Vietnam war guy got verry verry pissed about the whole afair and ended it so he could finally
get some goddamn piece.
The demons, if they wish to be seen, will take the form of a busness executive/polititian (sharkskin suit, flinty eyes, you know the look). This is ue to
a careful studdy of today's culture. Demons, no matter how they try, can't quite get the whole human appearance thing down quite right; there's always
an aura around them that makes people uneasy. Therefore, since they can't hide it they cammoflage the effect by taking a slightly-unsettling form, ergo
anyone off-put by their aura of wrong will think "he's a polititian, that's why I get this instinctive feeling not to trust him."
A *nother* few weeks later, I suddenly and for no reason at all that I can come up with got the sudden image of an elivator saying "Level, five. Now, get
the fuck out of my elivator!", the floor under the hapless travolor heaving upwards and throwing him out into the hallway.
Then, like an orgasm... IT HAPPENED!! [disclaimer: the following and proceeding post is nothing more than a highly-disguised excuse to use the previous
phrase. Thank you.] I was trying to figure out how to actually write this shit into a story, wheen I got the crazy idea "Why don't you combine them?"
So, I've now got the idea that a demon, in one of his "evil acts", telepathically inserts the instructions for how to give an inanimate object "life" (and
not undead life, but a real personality) to some highly-distraught guy, who decides for whatever reason that he wants to hex the hotel he's somehow involved
in building, and promptly does so. (this is because one of the few rules that everyone is forced to abide by is that you simply do not fuck around with
free will.) Hilarity, naturally, ensues. But, yet again, I ran into that metaforical brick wall yet *again*. Because, quite frankly, I don't have a plot.
I've got several ideas, and I've got a premise that I think could work, but I have no fucking clue whatsoever what to do with it.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything? Anything at all? Hellooooo? Pleeeeease?
...I'm done! I'm done! Yee-motherfucking-haw! ...Ahem.