Quick message

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Re: Quick message

by Billy Mays » Wed May 27, 2020 10:29 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 12:04 pmI think Retro has been the MVP of the forum. He's in the running.
This is obviously a troll. We all know the MVP this year is either going to be Tdarcos, Flack, or Finsternis. It's probably going to be Tdarcos because what is this place if not somewhere we can all throw stones at a morbidly obese man with declining mental health?

Re: Quick message

by Tdarcos » Wed May 27, 2020 12:23 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 12:04 pm
pinback wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 11:23 am All of your posts are terrible.
I think Retro has been the MVP of the forum. He's in the running. And I am not saying that in a smug manner. I mean that he advances conversation.
Absolutely. I think Retro has done a fine job.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 12:04 pm Isn't that what it's about? I don't like some of his more caustic insults, sure. But he's advancing the narrative.
Oh I love his insults. He's very funny when he gets so "rip roarin' angry," and proceeds to tear me a new one. Then he lies (to himself, mostly) and says he's not angry. You can't post the kind of soul-tormented anguish he did when he declared I was worse than useless and my dead body was so toxic it would contaminate caustic waste, unless someone has really pissed you off.

That's beautiful prose, and it only comes from soul-crushling anger. That's why I said he's funny when he's angry, because he is. He releases his innermost hatred, and spews it, letting the chips fall where they may. And his expression of anguish is so comical.

RetroRomper is like a diamond-in-the-rough, and I hope to continue to annoy err I mean polish him more, so his brightness can shine.

Re: Quick message

by pinback » Wed May 27, 2020 12:22 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 12:04 pm
pinback wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 11:23 am All of your posts are terrible.
I think Retro has been the MVP of the forum.
All of your opinions are terrible.

Re: Quick message

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed May 27, 2020 12:04 pm

pinback wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 11:23 am All of your posts are terrible.
I think Retro has been the MVP of the forum. He's in the running. And I am not saying that in a smug manner. I mean that he advances conversation.

Isn't that what it's about? I don't like some of his more caustic insults, sure. But he's advancing the narrative.

Re: Quick message

by Tdarcos » Wed May 27, 2020 12:02 pm

Billy Mays wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 11:59 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 2:01 pm Yes, I know the correct phrase is "Jonesyin' for a fix," I felt it works here.
You do not know what the correct phrase is. It's "jonesing" not "jonesyin". From "Mr. Jones" a slang term for heroine.
It's slang term for a female hero? I've heard of it referred to by a lot of terms (smack, H, dope, China white) but never that.

So I stand corrected. (Well, I can't really stand, but you know what I mean.) So It's "Jonesing for a fix," but I still felt, since Jonsey was sending it to me (starburst, not heroin) I felt the pun worked.
Billy Mays wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 11:59 pm Something I did not even know until just now because I had 3 seconds to spare to google something and because I care about this place.
And what you did was exactly right to create a "teachable moment," you explained something was wrong, and showed what the correction was. And we both learned something.

However, it also means I get to bust your balls when you misspell "heroin." By the way, has anyone seen the "the" that Flack wanted fixed?
Billy Mays wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 11:59 pm Get your shit together.
Oh, I do. It stays in the diaper until they change me. Sometimes it's [CENSORED], and other times it's [CENSORED]. I know a great deal about shit, and ways they [CENSORED] it when its together, Especially when [CENSORED], [CENSORED], or [CENSORED].

Re: Quick message

by pinback » Wed May 27, 2020 11:23 am

All of your posts are terrible.

Re: Quick message

by RetroRomper » Wed May 27, 2020 11:20 am



Re: Quick message

by Billy Mays » Wed May 27, 2020 9:23 am

RetroRomper wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 2:26 amI had you pegged as a guy that drinks Adderal and coffee, the same way you're supposed to drink soda and mentos.
I just took 3 seconds to google Adderall in order to understand what you are getting at, and because I care about this place, and I have to inform you that you are wrong all all accounts. I've never taken Adderall, I've never been prescribed it and I have never taken drugs recreationally. I don't drink coffee because the stuff acts as a laxative and because I haven't been able to pull the trigger on a Keurig because I hear they are built like shit and break down all the time. I have considered buying a French Press though so that's something. I seldom have a soda because it just tastes like a can of sugary shit and makes me thirstier. I don't like mentos because I find it annoying how they grind against my teeth, like nails on a chalkboard sort of. And because they taste like shit.

Re: Quick message

by RetroRomper » Wed May 27, 2020 2:26 am

Billy Mays wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 11:59 pmYou do not know what the correct phrase is. It's "jonesing" not "jonesyin". From "Mr. Jones" a slang term for heroine
I had you pegged as a guy that drinks Adderal and coffee, the same way you're supposed to drink soda and mentos.

Re: Quick message

by Billy Mays » Tue May 26, 2020 11:59 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 2:01 pm Yes, I know the correct phrase is "Jonesyin' for a fix," I felt it works here.
You do not know what the correct phrase is. It's "jonesing" not "jonesyin". From "Mr. Jones" a slang term for heroine. Something I did not even know until just now because I had 3 seconds to spare to google something and because I care about this place. Get your shit together.

Re: Quick message

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 26, 2020 3:07 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 2:01 pm If you're still offering it, my address is back to

Tying in with the above line about heroin addiction, I just thought of a joke, "I'm Jonseyin' for a fix, man, I gotta get me more Starburst." (Yes, I know the correct phrase is "Jonesyin' for a fix," I felt it works here.)
Order placed! Amazon said the Starburst should show up Thursday and the charger "June 2, 2020 - June 5, 2020"

Re: Quick message

by Tdarcos » Tue May 26, 2020 2:23 pm

Flack wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:08 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:08 pm I want to thank whomever (you were not identified) sent me (forwarded from room 210) the wonderful - and probably expensive - bag and box of so many different types of tasty candy. I will probably gain several pounds, you really nice bastard. I actually thought it was a thoughtful gift, and I am touched.
Hey Paul, that was from me.
Okay, Flack, if I didn't express my appreciation to you before, thank you, you really nice bastard. ("Grumble, grumble, I'm gonna gain all this weight. Shut up, it's all so delicious!")

By the way, Flack, my response here is in keeping with my reputation that the nicer someone is to me, the worse I insult them. So actually I should probably insult you much worse as I was sincerely touched, so just accept my thanks to you and just figure I didn't insult you that badly because it was a reasonably nice gift. Calling someone, say, "a greasy motherfucker" is reserved for really fantastic gifts.
Flack wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:08 pm I told Amazon to include a note, but it appears they split the order up into multiple deliveries so it might have ended up in one of the other packages.
To quote Primus from my cartoon, "Those dirty, stinking @#$%@# %*&#@#s never included a &@#$%@& thing."
Flack wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:08 pm In all I sent two packs of Altoids, an 8 pack of Starburst mini fruit chews, a 6lb package of Black Forest Gummy Bears, and a big sack of York Peppermint Patties. I put the old room number on the order, so make sure they forward everything to you.
I got all of it, and have been a greedy little pig, basically sent my blood sugar levels through the roof, probably. Now I understand why people here are making THC-laced gummy bears, they are delicious and addictive even if they weren't psychoactive.

Re: Quick message

by Tdarcos » Tue May 26, 2020 2:01 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:30 pm Ok ok ok - regarding the charger. If you see this pal, tell me the name of the phone you would like a charger for, please.
I apologize for not responding to you sooner, but I did not see your message before until Flack pointed it out. I have an LG LML212VL, but since it accepts the same devices as my tablet, I presume it has a standard USB-C socket.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:30 pm I'll send you a new charger and some Starburst.
This should have convinced everyone that I never saw your message. While I (then) despirately needed a charger, and it would have been important, offering me free starburst is like telling a heroin addict you just got a fresh supply of Black Tar. I could not resist.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:30 pm As soon as you give me the address of where you currently are that shipment will be sent out, bro.
If you're still offering it, my address is back to

Paul Robinson
550 S. Carlin Springs Rd Rm 330B
Arlington, VA 22204-1022

(They actually do check the room number if it's wrong.)

Tying in with the above line about heroin addiction, I just thought of a joke, "I'm Jonseyin' for a fix, man, I gotta get me more Starburst." (Yes, I know the correct phrase is "Jonesyin' for a fix," I felt it works here.)

Re: Quick message

by Flack » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:54 pm

Paul, when everything gets back to normal*, could you post a picture of the candy that arrived? I want to make sure you got everything, and I also want to see what six pounds of gummy bears looks like.

Re: Quick message

by pinback » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:40 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:18 pmTo quote The Bridgetender, "You are correct, sir!"
He's back!

Re: Quick message

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:30 pm

Ok ok ok - regarding the charger. If you see this pal, tell me the name of the phone you would like a charger for, please. I'll send you a new charger and some Starburst. As soon as you give me the address of where you currently are that shipment will be sent out, bro.

Re: Quick message

by Tdarcos » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:18 pm

bryanb wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:13 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:08 pm Guess either I'm too tough to die right now or the universe hates me for some reason and is punishing me with longer life. That, or there. Really is a plan for the universe and there is one or more things it wants me to do. We shall see.
Cyril O'Reilly from Oz once said, "We don't choose God. God chooses us." I'm pretty sure St. Francis and Billy Graham were atheists as well until they got tired of the recurring plagues and limb amputations. Maybe it's time to just finally accept your destiny? I envision you touring the world in a power wheelchair with a Bible in one hand and a pistol in the other. Fifth Great Awakening, here we come!
Ain't. Gonna. Happen. If you could conclusively prove there is a god or gods actually running this world or this universe, the Christian god would still be impossible and the Bible would still be errant and wrong, in so many ways.
bryanb wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:13 pmSeriously, though, you sound good. You must have gotten a very minor case of coronavirus.
To quote The Bridgetender, "You are correct, sir!"
bryanb wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:13 pmI had been concerned you might end up or already be in a hospital which wouldn't have been good so I'm glad you had such an uneventful quarantine. It's infuriating that you've been kept offline just because you didn't have a phone charger. They're bringing you food every day -- would it really have been so hard for them to include one of the most ubiquitous items on the planet on the tray? If they didn't have a cable handy, they could have just looked behind the nearest sofa to find one.
Oh they found me a charger, it just didn't work. The spare phone I used to post had no sim card but was an Android phone and could use Wifi. Another phone (my main one) and a tablet would not charge. So I plugged the spare phone in at 34% power, and several hours later, turned off mind you, it had 23% power! It's a VAMPIRE charger, it doesn't put power in, it sucks it away!

Re: Quick message

by Tdarcos » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:02 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:57 pm Paul, can you put the new room number real quick if you can? I'll send ya stuff!
As I said, I'm back in my old room

Paul Robinson
550 S. Carlin Springs Rd Rm 330B
Arlington VA 22204-1022

And I have my computer working again. (More later.)

To prevent me from giving any of you Covid-19, I am wearing a face mask. I can categorically guarantee that I cannot transmit this virus to any of you while posting.

This message was sent from my Lenovo desktop computer (but you probably knew that.)

Re: Quick message

by Billy Mays » Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:44 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:06 pm
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:49 pm
bryanb wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:13 pmRobb seems like a natural caregiver
Being under Robb's care is probably the only thing that could kill Paul at this point.
Depending on your manners and how loquacious the Commander is, he's got - what? - a minute or two after entering your home before you offer him a glass of bleach?
We both know you're not waking up tomorrow proud of that jab.

Re: Quick message

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:06 pm

Billy Mays wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:49 pm
bryanb wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:13 pmRobb seems like a natural caregiver
Being under Robb's care is probably the only thing that could kill Paul at this point.
Depending on your manners and how loquacious the Commander is, he's got - what? - a minute or two after entering your home before you offer him a glass of bleach?
