ATTN: RetroRomper
Subject: Help spread news of something I created to the PS4 community on Reddit
Message: Do you or someone you know have an account on Reddit? Want to just make an account? This job is for you! All I need you to do is create a new thread on and plug the following:
*insert your own personal non-offensive intro*
This dude (/ my friend / some shithead/ however you want to refer to me /) has created an entry for the #inthewoods jam that is *insert your own impressions from the video* I think is (pretty cool / fucking sucks / weird / whatever RR thinks)
*insert thanks / goodbyes*
I honestly just want to get more people to TRY the damn thing I spent 6+ hours on. If they hate the creation or quit out of it, that's totally cool. Just looking for someone to expose it to more people and while I would probably create a Reddit acct before I made a FB acct.. I don't want a reddit acct.
Note: if you do decide to accept this as a mission, please do not share the link to the video.. at least without spoilers. The video link is within this thread
Extra notes: There is no need for the exchange of phone numbers, personal addresses, blood-types or other such information but if you take the time to at least create the post I'll buy ya a beer or two via paypal to YOUR email address.