by Tdarcos » Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:09 am
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 am
This message is to everyone, not just Paul specifically.
This is Tansin A. Darcos and I disapprove of this message.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amPaul has what I am guessing is a very long period, perhaps decades or even a lifetime, of poorly treated diabetes. Unless he has some other condition he neglected to mention, almost every one of his conditions - including his leg, hand, and torso problems - is either directly caused by, or secondary to, chronic hyperglycemia cause by untreated diabetes or, at least, very poor blood glucose control over a long period of time.
I had none of these problems until the infection got in and destroyed me, because I was careless and stupid.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amWhat Paul chooses to do about it is up to him. I don't know yet how much he knows about all this, how much he cares,
Probably not much.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amwhether he wants to do anything about things
Not sure at this point.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 am or even how much can be done at this late stage.
Probably not much.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amSince no doctor could possibly miss this, I'm guessing that he has had medical people begging him to take his diabetes seriously for a very long time and has simply been unwilling or unable to do so.
Probably not much. Just kidding, I don't remember any begging.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amDenial ain't just a river in Egypt.
It's also a word in the dictionary!
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amBut, who knows? For right now, because it is my policy when considering people's motives, I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt and charitably assume he has either truly been kept in the dark, and/or had terrible doctors, and/or was well-informed but denying it to himself to avoid having to do the work to get better.
Sometimes I feel like I should leave "Probably not much." at every response as it seems to work. What I'll say is, "What do you expect? I'm in a nursing home."
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amHow far his conditions have gone and how much repair or reversal is possible is unclear. Obviously some things will never get better - legs don't regrow, of course, and nerve damage does not heal.
Have you ever noticed, no matter how much people pray, God has never cured a single amputee? I don't think even Jesus tried,
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amSo no amount of medication, diet, exercise, or whatever will fix him right up.
But that doesn't mean he can't
improve his situation.
Doubtful prognosis, Dr. Finsternis.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amI can certainly give him some tips and help guide him in the right direction towards better health and managing his own healthcare - mostly not in a medical sense but just general old "been there, done that" experience.
So you don't get charged with "practicing medicine without a license" or sued for malpractice. Or both.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amWhether he wants any help or not is up to Paul. I don't know what his feelings are about it all. On the one hand he remains his prickly self.
I think you'd be a bit cactus err I mean calloused after all the problems I've had to go through.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amOn the other hand, I feel empathy for him.
1. On the other hand, you have five fingers.
2. If you're feeling empathy on your hand, you might need treatment for phantom feelings.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amUnless there are people no one has mentioned, I don't know if he he has any family or friends in the area.
My relatives are about 4 miles away, but aren't in a position to help much. I have the dubvious distinction that the only friends I have (with one minor exception) are on this board.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amIt doesn't seem as if he gets lots of visitors,
Not really. Outside of various staff seeing me every day. I get maybe one visitor a month, on average. If we count the staff person who comes by when my co-pay is late |(like when had no phones) then maybe it's two visitors.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amand at Medicaid level I'm guessing the digs are not top notch, though I have no way to know.
Well, ignoring the shattered windows, collapsed ceiling, walls with holes exposing frayed wiring, mice, rats, roaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, silverfish, mosquitos, smallpox and bad breath, it's not bad.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amI can't imagine how awful it must be to more or less lay there, helpless, in a strange place with no friends or family around and really very little ability to improve your situation.
Yeah. Pray to God this never happens to you. Oh, wait, sorry, you don't believe in God or gods either, so, just hope it doesn't.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amIt must be depressing as fuck
Actually, being able
to fuck would be, uh, what's the word for opposite of depressing? Delightful?
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 am and if Paul is angry and bitter it's hard to blame him.
You'd be surprised to find out how easy it is for some people.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amI give him some leeway for complaining.
You'd be surprised how little others do.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amAnd if he isn't all that concerned with extending what might a very painful and difficult life, who can blame him?
Not really painful - they do give me drugs for that, but as far as difficult, well-...
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amHe doesn't even have the capability, it seems, to do himself in, so maybe his goal is to stay as sick as possible and hope he just dies.
Naah, I suspect I've done something to piss off the universe and so I'm going to live a long time. Or I might get lucky and drop dead tomorrow.
As much as I do want to live and dislike the idea of dying and most likely ceasing to exist, there were times, more than once I seriously wished the sepsis infection had "done its job" and killed me. Fortunately I'm past that, and realize I've resigned to the fact I've been condemned to live.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amI don't know. It would really be the only possible form of suicide for him. I hope that's not the case, I hope he has cheerful and happy days sometimes, but his attitide here is not overwhelmingly positive as far as I can tell.
I'm going to try not to wallow in self pity, but there isn't much left for me. I had plans for lots of things I was going to do, even though i was in a wheelchair, that are all now denied to me. No TV to dull my mind. Can't travel, can't see people, can't move.
Aah! Got one!
I can eat tasty candy, potato chips, and crackers! Hurray! I have a reason to live!
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amOne thing is for sure, though: anyone who sends him candy (or anything else filled with sugars or carbs, such as cookies, crackers, etc) is helping him commit suicide.
Wrong. I'm a 59-year-old man, who can't even jerk off, literally has
nothing to live for except one thing: I can occasionally enjoy the taste of something sweet or savory. That is all I've got left to make life worthwhile.
As I said before (or I think I did and I'm too lazy to go back and look), "What the
fuck do I have to live for?" Improved paralysis? A longer life in a wasted shell who's lost all control of bodily function? I've got one thing left, to enjoy a few snacks, and now that's going to be bad for me. And I say: What the fuck difference does it make?
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amNo judgement
I've had problems on this one too. It's spelled "judgment" in America. Your spelling is used in Commonwealth countries. Sort of like how they still use "colour" while Americans use "color." No judgment, just a teachable moment.
This Teachable Moment™ was sponsored by: Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "Even the Road to Hell is paved by Good Intentions."
Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "We
will pave it!™"
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 am - it's his life and his choice and I fully respect the right to decide when to stop living as probably the most fundamental right there is.
Not so much suicide as, "What the fuck else do I have to live for?" I write stories like
The Takeover Man,
Don't Break the Merger and other books, and interactive fiction like
The Librarian as intellecual exercises, not expecting I'll make any money off the books (the game has no market value, text adventurs stopped being interesting to cash customers when Windows went mainstream), but because it keeps me sharp
I don't want to waste my life and intellect watching TV - waaay too many things are so stupid I'd want to throw a brick at the screen - and while this BBS is fun, I want more, and as I have said, I don't write books because I think other people should read them, altthough that would be nice, I write books because I wanted to read the story and no one else had written it. And because writing and plotting the story can be fun. It would be nice if people read what I wrote.
Sometimes people can disagree over the readabiolity of a work.
I am reminded of a writer who was releasing a new book, and the publisher sent copies of it to two of their internal reviewers. Both thought the book should be published.
One said it was an important, powerful piece of literature, that won't sell very well. but it has such a great message it should be published even though they would not make any money.
The other said it was the worst pece of trash they'd ever seen, a horrible book, that they should publish because a lot of people would buy it and they'd make a fortune.
Turned out, on that book, they were both right. It's still in print, and still sells, more than 55 years after it was published.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amWhether Paul has made that decision or not, consciously or uncoinciously, I have no idea. I just want people to be aware of the stakes and make their decisions fully-informed.
I'm not sure if you were conscious when you wrote that, because I think you
unconsciously misspelled a word there. Again, no judgmen, just a teachable moment...
This Teachable Moment™ was sponsored by: Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "Even the Road to Hell is paved by Good Intentions."
Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "We
will pave it!™"
If people take your advice and stop sending me anything, I can live with it for the time it takes to find out where you live and sue you. Actually, if nobody else sends me any more snacks, I have enough money left to buy a few things.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amIf he wants to live or get better
Live or get better,
for what? The big thing I had in my life was to get below 300 pounds and stay there so I could have knee replacement surgery so I could walk again. I've fucked that up and fucked myself so badly I can never get un-raped. I ain't got a whole lot left to look forward to.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 am Paul just can't have Starbursts.
Okay , there's a candy from Japan called Hi-Chew, it's really delicious, the strawberry is better than Starburst strawberry and...
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amOr any candy
Awwwww fuck.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 am (unless it's sugar free).
That's no fun. Besides, most of them taste terrible or they have the warning "Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect." Jesus, I already have very little trouble doing bowel movements that extrude like toothpaste, I don't need more help getting rid of it!
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amHe can't have any Ritz crackers.
Fuck no1 You're not taking those. I warn you, I havbe a Utah non-resident concealed carry handgun permit that is valid in Virginia and I will use it on you if you try to taake those away! (I'll use the permit, not use a handgun.)
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amOr white bread.
That is something they regularly leave in my lunch or dinner that I didn't think I ordered and don't eat. I'm not a "bread" person.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amAnything where the "Net carbs" on the label is, say, greater than one digit.
Who seriously reads the labels?
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amI suggest that if you really want to send him treats, send meaty treats like Spam, jerky or Vienna sausages.
Spam is probably loaded with salt, Finsternis. But, of course, I'd eat it anyway. I hate Vienna sausages. Polish sausage, however...
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amOr, better yet, send him non-food gifts like books
I can't read print, would have to be Kindle version. There was a suggestion Pinback was going to send me the electronic version of one of Eckhart Tolle's books so I could read and discuss it with him, then he gor pissed off for some reason - probably because I "killed" his already dead podcast "The Don Rogers Show," in my cartoon - and rescinded his offer. so I'm not going to count on that.
Finsternis wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:50 amor software or whatever. Every carb he eats goes directly to the high blood sugar that is killing him.
Yeah, but they're sooooo tasty!
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]
This message is to everyone, not just Paul specifically.[/quote]
This is Tansin A. Darcos and I disapprove of this message.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Paul has what I am guessing is a very long period, perhaps decades or even a lifetime, of poorly treated diabetes. Unless he has some other condition he neglected to mention, almost every one of his conditions - including his leg, hand, and torso problems - is either directly caused by, or secondary to, chronic hyperglycemia cause by untreated diabetes or, at least, very poor blood glucose control over a long period of time.[/quote]
I had none of these problems until the infection got in and destroyed me, because I was careless and stupid.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]What Paul chooses to do about it is up to him. I don't know yet how much he knows about all this, how much he cares, [/quote]Probably not much.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]whether he wants to do anything about things[/quote]Not sure at this point.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149] or even how much can be done at this late stage.[/quote]Probably not much.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Since no doctor could possibly miss this, I'm guessing that he has had medical people begging him to take his diabetes seriously for a very long time and has simply been unwilling or unable to do so.[/quote]Probably not much. Just kidding, I don't remember any begging.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.[/quote]It's also a word in the dictionary!
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]But, who knows? For right now, because it is my policy when considering people's motives, I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt and charitably assume he has either truly been kept in the dark, and/or had terrible doctors, and/or was well-informed but denying it to himself to avoid having to do the work to get better.[/quote]
Sometimes I feel like I should leave "Probably not much." at every response as it seems to work. What I'll say is, "What do you expect? I'm in a nursing home."
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]How far his conditions have gone and how much repair or reversal is possible is unclear. Obviously some things will never get better - legs don't regrow, of course, and nerve damage does not heal. [/quote]
Have you ever noticed, no matter how much people pray, God has never cured a single amputee? I don't think even Jesus tried,
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]So no amount of medication, diet, exercise, or whatever will fix him right up. [u][b]But[/b][/u] that doesn't mean he can't [u][i]improve[/i][/u] his situation. [/quote]Doubtful prognosis, Dr. Finsternis.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]I can certainly give him some tips and help guide him in the right direction towards better health and managing his own healthcare - mostly not in a medical sense but just general old "been there, done that" experience.[/quote]So you don't get charged with "practicing medicine without a license" or sued for malpractice. Or both.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Whether he wants any help or not is up to Paul. I don't know what his feelings are about it all. On the one hand he remains his prickly self.[/quote]
I think you'd be a bit cactus err I mean calloused after all the problems I've had to go through.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]On the other hand, I feel empathy for him. [/quote]
1. On the other hand, you have five fingers.
2. If you're feeling empathy on your hand, you might need treatment for phantom feelings.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Unless there are people no one has mentioned, I don't know if he he has any family or friends in the area.[/quote]My relatives are about 4 miles away, but aren't in a position to help much. I have the dubvious distinction that the only friends I have (with one minor exception) are on this board.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]It doesn't seem as if he gets lots of visitors, [/quote]Not really. Outside of various staff seeing me every day. I get maybe one visitor a month, on average. If we count the staff person who comes by when my co-pay is late |(like when had no phones) then maybe it's two visitors.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]and at Medicaid level I'm guessing the digs are not top notch, though I have no way to know.[/quote]Well, ignoring the shattered windows, collapsed ceiling, walls with holes exposing frayed wiring, mice, rats, roaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, silverfish, mosquitos, smallpox and bad breath, it's not bad.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]I can't imagine how awful it must be to more or less lay there, helpless, in a strange place with no friends or family around and really very little ability to improve your situation.[/quote]Yeah. Pray to God this never happens to you. Oh, wait, sorry, you don't believe in God or gods either, so, just hope it doesn't.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]It must be depressing as fuck[/quote]
Actually, being able [i]to[/i] fuck would be, uh, what's the word for opposite of depressing? Delightful?
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149] and if Paul is angry and bitter it's hard to blame him.
[/quote]You'd be surprised to find out how easy it is for some people.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]I give him some leeway for complaining.[/quote]You'd be surprised how little others do.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]And if he isn't all that concerned with extending what might a very painful and difficult life, who can blame him?[/quote]Not really painful - they do give me drugs for that, but as far as difficult, well-...
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]He doesn't even have the capability, it seems, to do himself in, so maybe his goal is to stay as sick as possible and hope he just dies.[/quote]
Naah, I suspect I've done something to piss off the universe and so I'm going to live a long time. Or I might get lucky and drop dead tomorrow.
As much as I do want to live and dislike the idea of dying and most likely ceasing to exist, there were times, more than once I seriously wished the sepsis infection had "done its job" and killed me. Fortunately I'm past that, and realize I've resigned to the fact I've been condemned to live.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]I don't know. It would really be the only possible form of suicide for him. I hope that's not the case, I hope he has cheerful and happy days sometimes, but his attitide here is not overwhelmingly positive as far as I can tell.[/quote]I'm going to try not to wallow in self pity, but there isn't much left for me. I had plans for lots of things I was going to do, even though i was in a wheelchair, that are all now denied to me. No TV to dull my mind. Can't travel, can't see people, can't move.
Aah! Got one! [size=200]I can eat tasty candy, potato chips, and crackers! Hurray! I have a reason to live![/size]
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]One thing is for sure, though: anyone who sends him candy (or anything else filled with sugars or carbs, such as cookies, crackers, etc) is helping him commit suicide.[/quote]Wrong. I'm a 59-year-old man, who can't even jerk off, literally has [i]nothing[/i] to live for except one thing: I can occasionally enjoy the taste of something sweet or savory. That is all I've got left to make life worthwhile.
As I said before (or I think I did and I'm too lazy to go back and look), "What the [i]fuck[/i] do I have to live for?" Improved paralysis? A longer life in a wasted shell who's lost all control of bodily function? I've got one thing left, to enjoy a few snacks, and now that's going to be bad for me. And I say: What the fuck difference does it make?
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]No judgement[/quote]
I've had problems on this one too. It's spelled "judgment" in America. Your spelling is used in Commonwealth countries. Sort of like how they still use "colour" while Americans use "color." No judgment, just a teachable moment.
This Teachable Moment™ was sponsored by: Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "Even the Road to Hell is paved by Good Intentions."
Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "We [u]will[/u] pave it!™"
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149] - it's his life and his choice and I fully respect the right to decide when to stop living as probably the most fundamental right there is.[/quote]
Not so much suicide as, "What the fuck else do I have to live for?" I write stories like [i]Marnie[/i], [i]The Takeover Man[/i], [i]Don't Break the Merger[/i] and other books, and interactive fiction like [i]The Librarian[/i] as intellecual exercises, not expecting I'll make any money off the books (the game has no market value, text adventurs stopped being interesting to cash customers when Windows went mainstream), but because it keeps me sharp
I don't want to waste my life and intellect watching TV - waaay too many things are so stupid I'd want to throw a brick at the screen - and while this BBS is fun, I want more, and as I have said, I don't write books because I think other people should read them, altthough that would be nice, I write books because I wanted to read the story and no one else had written it. And because writing and plotting the story can be fun. It would be nice if people read what I wrote.
Sometimes people can disagree over the readabiolity of a work.
I am reminded of a writer who was releasing a new book, and the publisher sent copies of it to two of their internal reviewers. Both thought the book should be published.
One said it was an important, powerful piece of literature, that won't sell very well. but it has such a great message it should be published even though they would not make any money.
The other said it was the worst pece of trash they'd ever seen, a horrible book, that they should publish because a lot of people would buy it and they'd make a fortune.
Turned out, on that book, they were both right. It's still in print, and still sells, more than 55 years after it was published.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Whether Paul has made that decision or not, consciously or uncoinciously, I have no idea. I just want people to be aware of the stakes and make their decisions fully-informed.[/quote]
I'm not sure if you were conscious when you wrote that, because I think you [i]unconsciously[/i] misspelled a word there. Again, no judgmen, just a teachable moment...
This Teachable Moment™ was sponsored by: Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "Even the Road to Hell is paved by Good Intentions."
Good Intentions Paving Company LLC. "We [u]will[/u] pave it!™"
If people take your advice and stop sending me anything, I can live with it for the time it takes to find out where you live and sue you. Actually, if nobody else sends me any more snacks, I have enough money left to buy a few things.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]If he wants to live or get better[/quote]
Live or get better, [i]for what?[/i] The big thing I had in my life was to get below 300 pounds and stay there so I could have knee replacement surgery so I could walk again. I've fucked that up and fucked myself so badly I can never get un-raped. I ain't got a whole lot left to look forward to.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149] Paul just can't have Starbursts.[/quote]
Okay , there's a candy from Japan called Hi-Chew, it's really delicious, the strawberry is better than Starburst strawberry and...
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Or any candy[/quote]
Awwwww fuck.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149] (unless it's sugar free).[/quote]
That's no fun. Besides, most of them taste terrible or they have the warning "Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect." Jesus, I already have very little trouble doing bowel movements that extrude like toothpaste, I don't need more help getting rid of it!
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]He can't have any Ritz crackers.[/quote]
Fuck no1 You're not taking those. I warn you, I havbe a Utah non-resident concealed carry handgun permit that is valid in Virginia and I will use it on you if you try to taake those away! (I'll use the permit, not use a handgun.)
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Or white bread.[/quote]
That is something they regularly leave in my lunch or dinner that I didn't think I ordered and don't eat. I'm not a "bread" person.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Anything where the "Net carbs" on the label is, say, greater than one digit.[/quote]
Who seriously reads the labels?
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]I suggest that if you really want to send him treats, send meaty treats like Spam, jerky or Vienna sausages.[/quote]
Spam is probably loaded with salt, Finsternis. But, of course, I'd eat it anyway. I hate Vienna sausages. Polish sausage, however...
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]Or, better yet, send him non-food gifts like books[/quote]
I can't read print, would have to be Kindle version. There was a suggestion Pinback was going to send me the electronic version of one of Eckhart Tolle's books so I could read and discuss it with him, then he gor pissed off for some reason - probably because I "killed" his already dead podcast "The Don Rogers Show," in my cartoon - and rescinded his offer. so I'm not going to count on that.
[quote=Finsternis post_id=109935 time=1591123812 user_id=149]or software or whatever. Every carb he eats goes directly to the high blood sugar that is killing him.[/quote]
Yeah, but they're sooooo tasty!